chapter nine

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     FROM A HIDDEN VIEW, Rosie looked inside the forest accidentally spotting Ander holding a conversation with his infatuated crush looking behind him every few seconds. Rosie had hid behind a large bush, not wanting to be spotted. She had gone out to spend time for herself and gather her thoughts from this morning but today she was interrupted by a pair who had been sneaking around for the past few days. One being very skeptical and the other oblivious about his partner's struggle. Rosie stayed still as she overheard the pair arguing about their relationship.

Ander stepped closer to the boy pressing his lips to his for a few seconds before quickly being pushed away. Ander shook his head knowing what was going to happen, "what's wrong?"

"You don't get it, Ander. I don't," Justin spoke running his fingers through his hair frustrated over his thoughts. "I don't wanna be that guy. No one wants me to be that guy."

Ander crossed his arms looking down at the ground wishing Justin came to terms with his sexuality. "But what if you are."

Justin looked at him, "I'm not though!"

"So then why'd you kiss me? 'Cause you wanted to?" Ander asked looking up at the trees noticing the detail on their leaves. "Or because you don't want me to tell anyone?"

"I'm not suppose to like you this way." Justin stated watching Ander sit down on the ground disappointed. Justin glanced towards the path back to the field. "And, I'm not gay like you."

Before Ander could respond to his comment, Justin had headed back to complete his work leaving him alone. The boy held himself together knowing he deserved better than a boy who was scared of his sexuality. He waited a few minutes before getting up heading to the kitchen to help Frypan with what he needed.

"What are you doing?"

      Rosie jumped in fear turning around to see one of the boys she hadn't interacted with very much. "Jesus!"

      The boy raised his eyebrow in confusion, "uh, no. it's Leo."

      Rosie spoke trying to explain that Jesus was a word she used when she got startled. "No, I know. I mean Jesus, like shit you scared me."

      "Oh, sorry." Leo replied standing a few feet away from her not wanting her to feel scared. "I just—um I needed to take a whiz but I saw you so—"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐒 - 𝘔𝘈𝘡𝘌 𝘙𝘜𝘕𝘕𝘌𝘙Where stories live. Discover now