
254 6 12

This was requested by Gangshe101 and GKNE123 

Ship: Katsuyu



Bakugou was fuming.

Ever since Tsuyu had dared to comment on his attitude he had been fuming inwardly.

Not that it wasn't anything out of the ordinary, but it was something that just wouldn't get out of his head.

SHE wouldn't get out of his head.

But it wasn't like he liked her or anything. 

Oh, no.

He was dead-set on proving her wrong.

By being...nice


Tsuyu walked out of her room, a content smile on her lips. She was going shopping with Mina and Uraraka ; she was quite excited. 

She hopped into the common room where most of the class were gathered.
 Todoroki and Iida were talking with Deku about hero stuff,
 Bakugou was hitting Kaminari while Sero and Kirishima laughed,
 Momo, Hagakure and Jiro were watching a movie on Momo's laptop and
 Tokoyami, Shoji, Sato and Koda were baking. 

Mineta was babysitting Eri in the teachers dorms and surprising was good at it!
He didn't do anything weird, don't worry!

Mina and Ochako were in Mina's dorm room.

Tsuyu looked over and saw an empty chair which she sat in.
She fished out a mirror from her small bag and looked at her hair. She was hoping
to do something different with it but she wasn't sure what.

Tsuyu undid her her bow, her long sea-green hair hanging over her shoulders. She sat in the chair thinking, not knowing that a certain ash blonde was staring at her, set on making his plan work.

Bakugou handed kaminari over to Sero and stomped over to where Tsuyu was sitting.

'Frog-face!' he called to her, startling the smaller girl. 

Tsuyu looked up at him and smiled a little.

'Hi Bakugou-chan, do you need something?' she asked, placing her index finger on her chin.

Bakugou narrowed his eyes at her and snatched one of her hairbands. Sliding it onto his wrist, he proceeded to crouch down and grabbed a section of her hair.

He worked swiftly on the surprised Tsuyu's hair, plaiting it into two cornrows with bows at the end formed from her hair. He tied each end with a hairband and pulled the bows out, making them seem bigger.

Before Tsuyu knew it, Bakugou was back with his friends, now yelling at Sero.

Tsuyu looked in her mirror and smiled a wide smile.

Who knew that Bakugou could do hair?


The same day when Tsuyu, Ochako and Mina came back to the dorms, they noticed that Bakugou was at the door as if he were waiting for someone.

The three were confused.

'Oi Bakugou!' Mina called to the boy with anger issues,
'What are you doing?'

Bakugou caught sight of Mina and glared, 'None of your business raccoon eyes!'

Mina shrugged and walked past him, Ochako following her. Tsuyu was about to follow her two friends when she was stopped by Bakugou. She turned her large, onyx eyes up to the taller boy in confusion.

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