6 AM.

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Some soft vision in the early mornin~

You wake up slowly, eyes fluttering open to see that you're facing the window. Too bright, you thought. You roll over and get comfy, opening your eyes again to see vision laying next to you, staring.
"Wha-" you jump back a bit, startled by how close he is.
You and Vision have been living together for only a short amount of time. It's weird living with someone who never sleeps. You and him weren't exactly dating, but you also weren't seeing anyone else. It's a weird situation. But you didn't mind.
"Did I startle you? I'm sorry." He mumbles, then moves to get up. You quickly grab his arm and bring him back down, "No, please stay.." you mumble sleepily. He gives you a soft smile before laying down again, even closer than last time. You could feel his warm breath on your face, which was a first.
"Okay. I'll stay." He simply puts, wrapping his arms around you.
"How long have you been watching me sleep for?" You ask with a smile, mumbling against the pillow.
He blinks, "About 5 hours."
"I've only been asleep for 5 hours?" You sighed. You could definitely feel the exhaustion kicking in again.
"Yes. I think you should get more rest though, darling." He practically whispers. His voice sent chills up your spine. You didn't notice you were just staring at him after he spoke, your eyes wandered his lips and his eyes. Searching for something... but you weren't sure what.
"Y/n?" He asks with a curious tone. That snapped you out of it, causing a blush to form on your cheeks.
"Oh- yeah?" You asked, shaking your head to get out of staring at him. You look away instead.
"I think you're beautiful." He smiles.
Your heart feels like it's going to explode.
Unsure of what to say, you look back over at him to give him a smile.
"And I think you're handsome." You reply.
He leans in a bit closer, I think it was his way of asking if he could kiss you.
You lean in with him and connect your lips to his. His hand caresses your cheek as you two melt into each other. He hums into the long kiss, then pulls away after he realizes you have to breathe.
Your whole face was red by now, and you felt nauseous with butterflies in your stomach. Your hands stayed put on his chest as he pulled you in and cuddled you. You two shared a nice moment of silence before it broke.
"Do you trust me?" Vision asked softly.
You scoff with a slight giggle.
"Of course vis... what makes you think I don't?" You mumble into him.
He stays silent for a moment, eyes wandering the room as he thought. "Nothing I suppose.. I just like to hear it." He admits.
You giggle, closing your eyes. You were unbelievably tired. You wondered what it was like to not have to sleep, or to be in his position where he was the only one like himself. He must feel lonely sometimes, right?
Your thoughts cause you to slowly drift away back to sleep as vision rubbed your back softly, soothing you.
"Get some more rest now, Y/n. I love you."

Vision X reader Drabbles/RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now