Better days.

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Hi! Could I request a vision story where you're grieving and he helps you through it? Thank you and I love your book. Vision is such an underrated character.

Thank you for the request and compliment. Vision is definitely and underrated character and deserves so much love.
This is something I've been going through lately as well, I hope you enjoy.
tw: Depression, grief of losing someone

BACKSTORY: You, a semi new avenger, lose someone dear to your heart. Vision is your boyfriend.

You've been up for so long, unable to relax at night. You got up as the sun started shining through the window, Wrapping yourself in a blanket as you sat at the end of the bed. You let out an exhausted sigh as you let your eyes close again. The pain and grief in your heart is overwhelming and you just wish it would stop, you wanted nothing more than to reverse time, back to when everything was normal. You hadn't left your room in days, you didn't want any of the other avengers to see you like this. You haven't seen vision, either. He had tried to talk to you a few times but you just are too exhausted to communicate properly.

After getting up and making yourself a tea, you were sat at the table alone, swirling the tiny spoon in the cup slowly as you got lost in thought.
You missed vision. It had been a week since you last spoke. Your last conversation was you basically saying you needed space, which to think of it now it was the opposite of what you needed. You need him. More than anything else right now. His hugs, his pep talks, just him. You felt guilty of what you said to him that day, he didn't do Anything to get pushed away like he did. These thoughts made you cry again, tears streaming down your face as you shakily picked up the cup and took a few sips of the tea.
You felt incredibly alone.

The rest of the day was lonely. You did nothing besides take a shower and watch tv. As you were sat on your bed, lost in the old tv show you were watching you heard a knock at the door.
You slowly get out of bed and walk over to the door, "Who is it?" You ask from behind the door.
It was Vision. Your heart skipped a beat and you quickly unlocked the door to meet him face to face. He looked... different.
You let him in silently, locking the door behind him.
"You could have just came in on your own.." you giggle.
"I didn't want to intrude, dear." He gives you a worried look before walking closer to you with his arms out.
You immediately hug him, as tight as you possible could. He hugs back, giving a small kiss to the top of your head. "I miss you." He whispers.
"I miss you more. I've needed you.." you admit.
Vision pulls back and puts his hands on the sides of your face, "darling, why didn't you tell me?" He asks.
"I don't know, honestly.. I just feel so lost.."
As you tried to explain yourself, the reasoning as to why you thought he looked different was because he looks sad. And he is sad.
Vision looks you in the eyes, stroking the sides of your face with his thumbs to comfort you. "I never want to leave your side again. I have been worried sick about you, but you told me to leave you be so I did. But I could not help myself tonight. I needed to know that you are okay." He explains with a soft sigh.
You nod, pouting at him. "I'm sorry. Everything is so overwhelming and tough right now. All the attention you were giving me, it felt suffocating under the pain I'm feeling. I'm better now than I was a week ago, but... now I need you. I want you to hold me and never let me go. I'm scared." You whisper, shakiness in your voice.
Vision pulls you close to him again, holding your head close to his chest. "Everything is going to be alright, you are okay." He whispers.
"This pain is temporary, darling. Better days are coming, even if you don't feel like they will. Sometimes letting yourself feel the emotions for too long is no help. Sitting trapped in this room...for sure is no help. You have to carry on, as much as you might not want to, you have to." Vision consoles.
You take a deep breath, burying your face in his chest more.
"You're Right.. thank you.." you mumble. "Stay the night?" You ask.
"Already planned on it, my love."

Vision X reader Drabbles/RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now