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Anonymous asked:
maybe a vision x readerrrrr where vision has been acting very clingy and kinda possessive but he didn't even realize that he was and so when she confronts him about it and asks why he's been acting like that he's kinda confused? and didn't fuly understand/notice that he was acting that way?

I love this idea sm. Thank you for the request & enjoy!

"Y/n, will you stay here?" Vision asks as he notices you're putting your shoes on, you stop and look up at him. He was sat on the bed, looking at you with no emotion.
"Why? Something wrong?" You ask.
Vision crosses his legs. "I just thought we would spend today together. It feels like we have not done that in a while." He explains.
You think about it and take your one shoe off. "Alright. Fine, I'll stay home with you Vis. But we have spending a lot of time together lately, so I don't want to hear that!" You tease with a giggle. He laughs with you.
The rest of the day went on nicely, you two stayed inside. But vision wouldn't let you leave to get groceries. You assumed he was just being a bit clingy, maybe he wasn't feeling right about something and he just needed you around.

The next day, you woke up and vision was gone. He must have had something to do.
You get up and get ready to go get groceries, throwing on a sweater and shoes, not bothering to put any jeans on. Just sweatpants. You grab your keys and head out the door.

When you returned home, Vision sprung the door open before you could even get your keys out.
"Y/n!? Where have you been? You have had me worried sick." He said very high strung.
"Vis.. I went to get groceries." You sigh, holding up the bags as you walk in and place them on the counter.
"Why did you not tell me?" He asks with annoyance in his voice. Putting that aside, his actions show other wise. He comes behind you and wraps his arms around you, hugging you tightly.
"You weren't home?" You question.
"I was." He simply puts.
You shrug it off.
"Well, I didn't see you." You pull away and start putting the groceries away.

The next day, you had plans to hang out with Wanda. It had been a while since you two got to chill and you were excited.
"Hey vis, I'm going out later." You tell him.
"Oh, with who?" He asks, walking over to you as you make yourself breakfast.
You roll your eyes, "Uh, Wanda.." you say.
Vision leans on the kitchen counter, looking at you worried again.
"Okay. For how long and where?" He asks.
You were getting tired of the many questions he asks every time you decide to leave the house. He's been extremely possessive towards you lately and you didn't know why.
Dropping what you were doing, you sigh and cross your arms.
"Vision is something wrong?" You ask sternly.
Vision stands up straight, looking at you with concern.
"No, everything is fine darling. Why do you ask?" He says softly.
You flail your hands for a moment, trying to think. "You just.. you've been all over me and haven't given me a single second to myself. You're constantly asking me who I'm seeing, where I'm going , when and for how long. I understand you needing to know who, but vis.. What is the matter?" You rant.
Vision takes a step back, swallowing hard.
"I did not realize I was doing that, love.. I am sorry." He frowns, looking down.
You study him. How could he not know what he was doing? He's been doing it for weeks now.
"You've been doing it for a while now, and it's okay, just... it's very overwhelming sometimes when you constantly hover over me and don't let me go places." You walk closer to him, putting your hands on his shoulders as you look up at him. "You don't need to worry about me vis.." you whisper.
Visions eyes study you. His eyes dart between yours, confusion written on his face.
"That is just the thing, though. I am not worried about you, and I definitely do not mean to stop you from doing your tasks. I guess I just did not realize what I was doing.." he turns away.
You move his head back to face you.
"I love you, okay? I don't want this getting in the middle of us.." you pout, rubbing his arm soothingly.
He nods, "I love you too, darling. I just cannot help but feel bad now.. like I have caused you issues." He shrugs.
"Vis, it's okay. Maybe I'm just overthinking things too, it's not really that big of a deal. Just try not to... be on top of me 24/7 alright?" You giggle, trying to lighten the mood.
"Okay. That should be easy." He smiles.
"Great. Thank you my love.." you lean up and kiss him on the cheek.

"Can we watch a movie together before you go?"

Vision X reader Drabbles/RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now