Creepy crawlers.

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Visionsluvv:heyhey, u told me I could do other requests, so I have two! Ofc just if u r comfy with them!! <3 Thank you so much for taking requests!! That is really really nice of you, in my opinion<3

So, the first one I thought about was that Vis is maybe scared of smth, idk what, maybe Spiders, Bugs, whatever u like<3 And she comforts him, something in this direction:3And the second request I have is maybe how they give each other a massage or summ, this could be a fluff, but if u want it could also lead into smut<3 However u feel comfy with itMuch love to you, I really love your book! <3

Thank ya for another request! Since I have so many (which was so unexpected, thank you all!!) I'm probably gonna be cutting some of the requests short because if i spent two hours writing each one, I wouldn't get much done xD i hope yall understand!! Here is part one to your request!
I Hope you enjoy and thanks again for the request!

(This one ill admit i def reflected onto vis.. i have such bad arachnophobia.. gag. )

tw: spiders


You nearly dropped your glass onto the floor when you hear Vision yell. You've never heard him yell in fear like that. You quickly put your cup down and run to find him. "Vis?! What's wrong? Where are you?" You call out as you look into each room of your shared house with him.
"In here!" He calls from the bedroom. You run into the room to see him cowering in the corner, you look at where he's staring at and there was a spider crawling on the wall near the bed.
You sigh of relief, giving a stressed giggle. "Vis I thought something was seriously wrong.. Its just a spider?"
"L-look at it! Oh- Oh god I hate that.. I cannot be in here. Get rid of it!" He whines as he scoots across the wall to stand behind you.
"Vis.. You're scared of spiders?" You turn to him with a sympathetic look on your face.
"I... Yeah..." He admits.
"I'll get rid of it, Don't worry." You smile at him as he leaves the room.
You get the spider into a cup and bring it out to toss out of the window.
"See? all gone!" you say as he watches you get rid of it.
He gives out a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness.."
As he says that his embarrassment kicks in. He awkwardly looks away, playing with his hands.
"No need to be embarrassed by that, it's okay!" You comfort him, walking over to him with your arms out. He takes the hug, holding you close to him.
"They are just.. creepy little creatures.." he sighs.
You giggle, "They are a bit gross, honestly."
He pulls back from the hug, kissing your forehead.
"Thank you, darling. For saving my life." He deadpans.
You playfully roll your eyes, "Don't mention it, silly."

Vision X reader Drabbles/RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now