Love sick.

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Anonymous asked: vision x reader where vision has a crush on reader but he's terrified to tell her until he saw her talking to another male avenger and laughing with them and got jealous and finally worked up the courage to ask her?

Honestly such a cute idea! Thank you and enjoy!


Vision had spent all day worrying about what you were doing, who you were with and why you weren't with him instead of others. He was stuck, and he wasn't exactly sure what feelings he's been experiencing. He decided to ask around for some answers.

Vision was wandering around lost in thought when he bumped into Scott.
"Oh, hey vision what's up?" Scott asked him, removing his headphones.
Vision sighed, "Could you help me with something?" He asks.
"Yeah of course! What is it?" Scott shifted his weight and leaned against the wall to listen.
"Well you see..." Vision starts, then looks to his left to see you and Cap talking at the very end of the hallway.
"That is what I am talking about!" Vision angrily points towards you, but you don't notice as you're busy with Cap.
Scott gives vision a puzzled look. "What? Y/n? Cap? They do something?"
"No.. I just..." vision sighs, frustrated as could be. It was hard explaining emotions.
The two of them watch you as you walk away with cap.
Scott continues to try to get it out of vision.
"You see.. I get this weird feeling whenever I see her talk to someone else. I do not know how to explain it. It is truly weird.. and kind of painful." Vision huffs out.
"Soooo like.. jealousy?" Scott asks.
"Yes? Maybe? That is why I'm asking you.. because I have no idea what I am feeling."
"Alright well let's back up a bit okay?" Scott clears his throat, "First question. Do you like y/n? Romantically?" Scott starts.
"Explain how romantic feelings feel.." Vision says.
Scott sighs. "Look, man. You like her. I can tell. I think everyone can, honestly. You've been hangin' around her a lot and we can tell you're trying to impress her. I think you're doing good. But you have to bite the bullet and just ask her unless you want someone else taking her." Scott shrugs, "She is really gorgeous, you know" he whispers and gives vision a slap on the shoulder.
"I know.. but you are right. I just have to do it." Vision straightens his shirt out.
"Thata' boy! Go gettem. See you later!" Scott smiles and cheers on vision as he walks away, continuing what he was previously doing.

Hours pass, Vision looked around for you but you seemed to be busy, so he left you be until he found you lounging around making dinner.
"Hey, Vis! How are you?" You ask him as he enters the room.
He nervously sits down across from you as you cook. "I am.. okay. How are you?" He asks.
"Doing Fine. Really tired, though.." you yawn.
"Would you like me to take over? Finish cooking for you?" He offers.
You blush, "No no, thanks for the offer though. I'm almost done."
He nods silently.
There was some awkward silence shared between you two, the only noise in the room was the boiling pot of water.
Vision clears his throat. "I saw you talking to Steve earlier." He mentions.
You raise your eyebrows, "Yeah?"
"Yes. It made me jealous." He admits.
You're taken aback by this random statement, "Oh, I'm sorry how come?" You ask.
Vision shifts in his seat, trying to keep direct eye contact with you so he doesn't come off as scared.
"Because I think like you romantically, Y/n."
Your eyes widen, looking up to meet his. "Oh.. vis.. really?" You say with shock in your voice.
"Yes. I have asked multiple people about my feelings and they all say that I have been very obvious with them, they all know that I like you." He explains.
You shift your weight to your other foot, anxiously playing with your hair. No ones ever admitted their love for you, so this was new.
"Well..." you start, then pause, looking down as you try to find a way to say you liked him back.
Vision gets up, "I assume you do not feel the same way. That is okay. I'll go." He turns and starts to walk away.
You quickly run around the counter and grab his arm, pulling him back. "No- wait vis you didn't let me continue!" You felt your heart beating out of your chest as he looked down at you. You two locked eyes, scanning one another.
"I do like you back.. I always have." You whisper.
Vision puts his hand against your cheek, caressing it gently.
"It was just hard to come to terms with it.. and when you saw me and Steve earlier, I was actually talking to him about you." You explain.
Visions frown turns into a small smile, "That is comforting to hear.." he whispers back.
You smile back, enjoying the feeling of him being so close to you.
"Would you want to start a relationship with me, y/n?" He asks, nervousness clear in his tone.
You nod, "Yes vis.. I'm so glad you asked."
He then leans down slightly, his eyes scanning your lips.
You slowly wrap your arms around his neck and lean in, your lips connect with his softly. You two shared your first kiss, it was gentle and sweet.
"Thank you for coming to me first.. I don't think I would have had the balls to tell you how I felt first." You giggle after the kiss.
He laughs with you, "It look a lot of self convincing, trust me. But, there was no reason for me to not tell you. So I went for it."
"I'm glad you did, Vis."

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