(Chapter 1) Your future path

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Just so there is no confusion:
Y/n = your name
L/n = last name
H/l = hair length
H/c = hair colour
E/c = eye colour
POV = point of view.

A peculiar thing about life,
Is it leads to endless perspectives.

A constant stream of ways that you can see something individually.

Your opinion, your thoughts.

Some see life to be enjoyed,

Some, to be casual and take the easiest options,

Some seek adventure,

Some seek true love,

And some seek work.

But in a matter of fact,
You seem to seek it all.

You want work that will give you a rushing sense of adventure. You want easy days and hard days. You want true, genuine love.

And who says you can't have it all?
It has been a few long months since your father's heart-breaking death, you've been taking it easy, trying not to overwhelm or push yourself to the limit. Your father was the only family member you had left, you had old parents so most of your family died of age when you were little, but even after your mother's death, he was still the strongest person you knew. You can't remember much of his death, but you remember it was traumatic and the thought of it distressed you, it changed you into the person you are now. 

You knew this excruciating pain wasn't forever, the pain of losing someone so close to you and yet now deeply out of reach. It would pass in time, if you were patient enough. You knew the best way was through. Amongst the restless nights and tiresome days, you moved forward. Until you could look back at your father as a heartfelt memory, your childhood tour that had come to it's final stop.

As said before, you were small when your mother died, which saddened you knowing she didn't get to see you for how you are now. Your faint memories of her were her beautiful roses she spent her days planting and nurturing, gleaming vibrantly in the sun in front of your old house. Or her warm, comforting presence beside you, while she taught you to read and write. 

She always used to tell you how much you were like your father, determined, brave and too smart for your own good. Then she'd laugh and ruffle your hair. You smile just thinking about her. In the short time you spent with her, she was a admirable woman, who you looked up to.

During these past few educational years, you've been attending Captain Hanji's classes and doing exceptionally, in fact you're probably the best in out of all her most difficult classes. Which Hanji constantly reminded you of, safe to say you were her favourite.

Hanji tends to go on a chaotic scientific ramble though, which you didn't mind. Under the crazy test tube, titan loving weirdo, she was actually extremely intelligent. No one could do her job better than she does. Knowing that you'd be joining the regiment soon, made you a little sad knowing soon you weren't going to be able to listen to her insane thoughts and ideas, but you knew you'd definitely see her a lot once you were in the scouts.

After a hectic class, you strolled down the bleak halls to go have lunch in the mess hall with your friends Eren, Armin, Jean, Mikasa, Connie and Sasha. They were basically family to you. They always stuck by you during everything and had your back. You couldn't ask for more reliable friends.


Sasha was stuffing her face as usual, choking on her bread.
"Jeez girl, go easy." Mikasa said concerned, patting her back.

"Shwut auppp" Sasha said with her mouthful, crumbs flying everywhere.

"Pfft and they call me the horse." Jean said bitterly.

Everyone silently glared at Jean and started giggling.
"You're so mean." He said while he turned and started fake crying.

You gloomily looked down at your dull, plain food, your stomach felt icky, like the energy had been completely sucked from you and a harsh exhaustion surrounded you. The appetite you had earlier had vanished completely and you felt gross. You've been having a lot of unexplainable nightmares about your dad's death keeping you up at early hours, so that was probably it.

"Y/n, you okay?" Eren said interrupting your thoughts as he looked over to you, genuinely concerned.

"Oh yeah I'm fine." you said smoothly as he raised a sceptical eyebrow, "You want my food Sasha?" you smiled weakly. Her face lit up as she darted across the table for your bowl without hesitation.

You stood up from the table and started lazily walking back out to the corridors, looking down.
"Where are you going y/n?" Armin asked anxiously.
"Oh I'm just gonna to Captain Hanji's class, she wanted to see me ". you waved at them while going back out to the cold hallways.

~~ lil time skip ~~

As you were about to knock on the icy, dark wooden door to her classroom, when you heard a few muffled voices inside, and then your name vaguely being mentioned.
You knocked anyway.

"Oh come in!" Hanji said eagerly.
You walked in to see Hanji with a beaming smile from ear to ear while standing with a very tall blonde man and a shorter man with shiny obsidian hair, who looked like he didn't want to be there. #same

"You must be y/n." The tall man said light-heartedly.

"Um, not to sound rude but who-o are you?" He looked important so you felt a bit dense asking that question.

"I am Commander Erwin and this is Corporal Levi. We are here because our friend Captain Hanji has informed us of your skills and abilities and we were speculating whether you'd consider joining Corporal Levi's squad in Survey Corps after you graduate."

'No way did the Commander just ask me to join the best squad there is?!'

The Corporal still looked cold and irritable. You knew he was gonna be a pain in the ass.
You glared at him slightly and then turned to face Hanji and Erwin.

He reached his hand out and you firmly shook it.
You felt pretty impressed with yourself. But you were also kind of flipping out. Hanji Squealed out of excitement and pat your head. :)) You knew this was gonna be epic.

Sorry it's a small chapter but the next one is sooonn <3
Also if you have any suggestions or ideas for future chapters lmk!!! :3

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