(Chapter 20) On the edge

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Honestly don't know where I'm going with this story, kind of just going with my first thoughts and ideas - also if you like this one check out my other story that I'm working on. :) Anyways enjoy.


I woke up on the dusty sofa. I slowly adjusted myself and dusted the gross cobwebs off me. 

Those few seconds that occurred, before I knew where I was and what had happened, were the most freeing seconds of my life. Until it settled in, and I remembered my situation and the slim to none chance of me getting out of it. 

That night was probably the most uncomfortable night of sleep I've had in a while. I was terrified and it took me ages to pass out. Meanwhile, I was on a disturbingly crunchy and dry sofa that felt like it was going to fall apart if I shuffled too much. Not to mention, it was absolutely freezing considering there was huge gaping whole in the roof and I didn't have a jacket. 

I looked at my dull surrounding before sighing and getting up.

I stood up and walked back over to the rusty front door.

I opened the creaky door covered in nails and screws and stood in the windy doorway to the same empty field as last night, but brighter and I could see into the empty horizon. Seeing the nothingness that surrounded me in this random place brought a wave of loneliness over me. There were no titans in sight, but they were out there and there was no chance I wouldn't encounter one. This was my only chance at survival. I had to learn how to live without leaning on others for help.

I shut the door again and searched the house for anything useful. Although, everything was either coated in a thick layer of rust or completely broken. I gazed around the pitiful few rooms that were still standing and went to a chest of draws in the corner of the room.

I vigorously opened them all, searching for anything worth taking but I was unsuccessful. It was just dust and cobwebs. Some of the draws were broken or locked and the only things I could find were shattered glass pieces and rusty cutlery. If anything, this place seemed like it had already been raided of the good stuff. 

I opened the last few draws which held nothing and sighed before trying to close the last jammed draw. 

But it wouldn't budge.

I used a bit more force before a small wooden piece inside moved. I raised and eyebrow and saw that the bottom of the draw had lifted up a bit, creating a small accessible gap. I tore it off to see a small, metal gun in the bottom.

I looked at it wide-eyed before carefully taking it out and examining it. 

It wasn't too rusty and looked quite durable compared to the other stuff scattered around.

I opened it to see it still had 3 bullets inside. This wasn't as good as gear and swords but I was in no place to complain about it now. I held the gun in one hand and continued looking around the old house.

Most of the rooms were completely torn down and the walls were caving in. Luke really couldn't of just put me in a weapon station could he? He just had to choose a small, abandoned house in the middle of no where. I kept looking around the decrepit place until I found a small, old bag tucked under remains of the roof. It was empty, like I expected. It was leather and looked a bit worn out but it was the most reliable thing around here so I slung it over my shoulder. 

I wondered for a moment if I should go check in the basement before I leave. It was dark the other night so I might of missed a few things. It was worth a try at least.

I took a candle and opened the creaky wooden door. I quickly went down the concrete steps and walked back into the cold room. 

I saw the same peculiar boxes that had my name on it and fought of the urge to open them. Even though I was looking around for other things, the boxes seemed to be calling my name which was ironic. 

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