(Chapter 14) overprotective

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You looked up at him as he stared at you intensely in the cold hallway. He had a serious glint in his teal eyes full of suspicion. You both looked at each other for a moment before you heard footsteps coming up behind you. You and Levi were still glaring at each other.

You felt a gentle tap on the back of your shoulder, at which Levi's expression turned darker as he stared at the figure behind you.

You turned around to see the boy from yesterday that you saved, standing in front of you eagerly smiling. Your face relaxed as you gave him a warm smile.

"Oh h- hi uhh . . ." You didn't actually catch his name, this was a bit embarrassing.

"Luke." He said rubbing the back of his neck nervously and grinning.

"What's up Luke?" You chuckled, wondering what he wanted.

You didn't need to look beside you, you already knew Levi was fuming.

"Oh I- I was wondering whether you'd like to go into town with me?" He said smiling quite mischievously. You could practically feel the darkness radiate off Levi.

You wanted to be nice to Luke after everything but you weren't sure about this. He was probably just trying to . . . well make up for you saving his life but after the stuff Levi said, you should probably keep your guard up. Especially since you might be being followed at the moment.

"No." Levi said bitterly, staring at Luke.

"Wh- " Luke said sadly.

"No." Levi said, his expression darkening further as Luke stuttered.

"Levi." You said looking up at him. Pfft Levi didn't control you. You can do what you want.

"Yes I'd like to go." You said looking back at Luke who's face had lit up with excitement. You could feel Levi's burning eyes on you.

"Awesome, do you wanna go in a couple of hours?" He said inventively, ignoring Levi.

"Yeah sure I'll go get changed and meet you at the stables Luke."

You knew Levi wanted to kill him right now, so at least a fun night on the town could be a good way to go.

You honestly needed some fun, and it had been years since you'd been in the centre of thousands of people, eagerly selling and buying. You also thought it could be a good way for him to make it up to you, to be fair you did ride and starve for hours to get him back alive. You smiled as he waved, smirked and turned the corner.

Before you could turn to Levi, he quickly grabbed your arm and started angrily dragging you away. He didn't look back at you once, and he was too strong to get out of his grip.

"Hey Y/n!" Eren yelled jogging over to you two while your other friends were chatting behind him. He smiled at you softly before looking at the strong grip Levi had on you. He looked at Levi annoyed, before turning back to you again.

"Am I interrupting something?" Eren asked.

"Fuck off Yeager." Levi said angrily before taking you to his office. Eren looked at him furiously before going back to your friends.


You arrived at His office at which Levi quickly opened the door and walked over to his chair, taking a scarily calm seat and crossing his hands on the shiny desk. You still stood there hesitantly in the doorway. As much as you loved annoying him and disobeying everything he told you to do, he looked genuinely intimidating.

"sit." He said emotionless.

You closed the door and quietly sad down in the chair in front of him. You leaned back and looked out the window as Levi looked at your calm expression.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Hm? . . . Oh looking out the window." You knew exactly what he meant, but you didn't like him controlling you. It's not like you and Luke were going out to get drunk and make out. You were probably just going to walk around some shops and talk. If Levi's jealous, that's a him problem.

You zoned out a bit, thinking about the creepy person that was spying on you this morning. You subconsciously started looking a bit worried and concerned. You just hoped the person wasn't dangerous.

"Why are you so on edge? And don't say 'nothing ', I'll know you're lying and you really don't want to test me right now brat." Levi said, staring at your tired face.

"I think someone's following me." You said blankly, staring at the bright window.

Levi didn't say anything.

He looked ay you for a moment before opening a draw and taking out some documents and a pen. You looked at him curiously as he started writing. He was completely focused on the papers in front of him. You sat there for a while, observing him.


You got up and walked to the door.

"Where are you going?" he peered up at you.

"To town with Luke."

"No your not." He said, still staring at you.

"And why not?" you asked curiously.

"Because you're going with me." He said peering back down at his papers.

I'm going into town with . . . Levi?

Short chapter sorry I've been back at school so I've had less time to write sorry :/. But I'll update as much as possible <3

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