(Chapter 25) By the shore

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Sorry this has taken a while to come out :( anyways enjoy.


It was the day before the ball and everyone was really excited. It was the main topic of most conversations and people had started getting partners to go with and getting their outfits ready. We were sitting in the mess hall for breakfast, talking about various things.

"Sooo Erennn, did you ask Petra?" I whispered in his ear so Mikasa wouldn't hear.

"Yep, she said yes." He said cheerfully.

I still felt a bit bad for Mikasa, but she was hot, there were bound to be loads of boys wanting to go with her, besides I think Jean has been staring at her for the last ten minutes so maybe they'll go together. I smiled up at Eren reassuringly and ate my soup.

"Me and Sasha are going as friends." Connie said joyfully.

"Just friends?" Jean asked sceptically raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, just friends!" Sasha said annoyed, chewing on her bread.

"Jeez, no need to get so defensive Sash." Jean said smirkingly.

"SHwutt UPp!" She said with her mouthful.

We all laughed at her grumpy face as she sat back down.

"I wonder if corporal Levi's going with someone, I mean do the superiors even go with partners?" Armin asked curiously glancing over at the table where Levi, Hanji and Erwin sat.

They all turned curiously, having never thought about it.
I started to feel anxious as I knew they were clueless to Levi's relationship with me. I had never told them and I didn't want to yet, I wasn't sure how they'd react.

"Not like I could picture Corporal Levi actually falling for anyone." Jean said jokingly.

I wasn't sure whether to be offended or flattered.

"Nah, he's too big of a dick for that." Connie said.

More like he has too big of a dick.
A small smirk crossed my face as they chuckled so obliviously.

"Hey Y/nnn who you going with?" Armin asked curiously.

"O- oh me? E- Eh I- . . ."


What the fuck was I supposed to say.

I can't say Levi, they'd freak. Maybe I could make someone up? But that would only look sad if the mystery person I made up didn't show up to the ball because they don't exist.

"U- um I -" I began.

"Ooooo don't want to tell us hm?" Jean asked teasingly.

"I see how it is . ." Armin teased as well.

I began lightly blushing before standing up suddenly.
They looked at me puzzled.

"I'm going to my room." I said, calmly collecting myself together.

They looked at me confused as I quickly walked out of the hall and through the large doors.


I went to my room. As I opened the door my eye caught a glimpse of something. On the floor in front of my door was a small note. I leant down and picked it up.

It read, 'Y/n'.

I flipped it over and unfolded the small paper note. Inside it wrote:

'Y/n, I'll be looking forward to seeing you at the ball, save me the last dance?'

It didn't have a name on it, who was it from? Levi? Why would he write me a note? He can just come and tell me, there's no reason for him to leave a weird note outside my door.

"It's complicated" Levi x Badass readerWhere stories live. Discover now