(Chapter 2) Weird encounters

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Hello luvs - this is chapter 2.

Stayin up late for this one. :) anyways enjoy you bad bixch <3

Y/N POV ----time skip, one week before graduation----

All I could see was was a white, blurry figure in the distance. I squinted my eyes and yelled to get their attention. I stepped over to them but just as I reached over to tap them on the shoulder, they slowly melted away from my icy hands.

I felt a deep sharp pain in your chest as I heard my father's warm, relieving voice echo around me.

"Y/n- ... don't leave"

The shadowy emptiness surrounded you and you rocketed up, choking for air. You opened your eyes to your clear bedroom.

Cold sweat dripped down your forehead.

'Another nightmare', but it was a lot more severe than usual.'

You got up and closed the window. You inspected yourself in the mirror, your hair was a fucking mess and the eye bags looked rough. But I got to admit, I still looked hot.

You had training tests today so you had a warm shower to calm the nerves.

As the water trickled down your face, You felt that same piercing pain growing in your chest. It almost made your wanna throw up. But you gathered your shit together and focused on the day ahead.

After you showered, you put on your gear and tied up your hair into a messy bun. On your way out you looked in the mirror again. 'Hell yeah, I'd fuck me.' you smirked.

----- Time skip ------

Eren's POV

Y/n walked into the room.

I couldn't help but look at her, She was gorgeous.

I felt my cheeks burn up a little when she smiled and waved at me.

Mikasa glared at me.


"Hey y/n!" Sasha and Connie yelled. I sat down with everyone and talked about the tests and what we thought they could be.

Jean was giving me weird looks. Every time I looked at him he'd blush a bit.

'Hm, weird.' , I thought.

As everyone was chatting and laughing I kind of zoned out, until I saw Corporal Levi sitting with his squad.

B-but he was staring at me. I found it kind of annoying so I glared back at him with an attitude. He soon returned to his usual blank expression and continued eating. I swear I could see him say "tsk" from all the way on the side of the room, which made me giggle and smirk.

After I had finished eating Jean stood up and peered down at me.

I was puzzled.

"would you like me to take your bowl y/n?" he asked.

"Um yes plea- , before I could finish my sentence Eren took my bowl, "It's fine Jean, I'll take it.".

Jean gave Eren one of those 'I'll kill you in your sleep' kind of looks.

Jean grabbed the bowl out of his hands and scoffed. "I'm sure she would prefer if I took it".

They both looked down at me in anticipation. By now the mess hall had gotten quieter and the attention was focused on us.

I didn't have time for this this bullshit, I stood up and snatched the bowl.

"I don't give a fuck who takes the bowl, I can do it myself!"

I yelled while death-staring them both. The hall was still quiet, I could see Levi looking at me in the corner of my eye.

-----Time skip-----

The first few tests were basic combat, which you nailed. You took down all your partners easily and still hadn't broken a sweat.

Next, you had to balance on the ODM gear. You balanced perfectly first try. It felt pretty good.

You turned to see Eren who had balanced for a few seconds and then miserably fallen on his face. You couldn't help but wheeze. Eren peered up at you, blushing.

Y/n POV --------------------------

The final test was a harder combat, where you could use full strength to beat your opponent. I was partnered with Jean, who had a determined smirk on his face.

"Don't get cocky yet horse-face."

"I'll kill you." he said.

"Mhm yeah sure."

Us two and all the other groups started fighting their partners. Jean ran towards me, aiming to kick my stomach, which I dodged and elbowed his back. He groaned and started to look more genuinely determined.


If your reading my bullshit story then thankq i luv u <3


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