(Chapter 11) Life or death

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It had been what felt like ages of an anticipating, eternal struggle, staring at the plain gravel path in front of you.

No one had talked since the beginning of the mission or even bat a single eyelid at each other, but you could tell some other cadets were tense and looked at little concerned as well. But looking ahead, Levi was glaring, half-lidded at the path in front without a hint of emotion.

Was this a joke? Or a trick to see how we'd react? It had felt like at least an hour or two since we left the wall and yet there had been not one titan in sight, or any distress signals from other groups for that matter.

You were starting to feel a bit annoyed and a slight sick feeling churned in your stomach. I mean, you came here prepared for pure chaos, not an irritating ride through the woods.

"Um Captain?" A cadet said hesitantly, looking up at him.

"Tsk, what?" he said frustrated.

"We haven't run into anything yet, what should we do?"

We all sat there riding our horses, awaiting his orders in anticipation, as he took a silent minute to process a simple answer.

"Continue riding." he said blankly, still unfazed by the current situation.

What? How were we supposed to keep going like this? Our horses were exhausted from continuously running at full speed for hours and we hadn't even fought anything yet.

He must be joking. Was he worried? At all concerned? His completely at ease expression made you feel agitated. Maybe this had happened many times before and he wasn't the least bit surprised.

That it was a natural occurrence for there to be no titans in the area. But wouldn't Hanji have mentioned something like this?  Or It hadn't happened often at all and he was just as conflicted and uneasy as the rest of us.

But that made you feel worse, knowing that possibly your corporal didn't know what to do.

We all glanced at each other, we were all just as puzzled and scared. We gripped onto our horses tight and determinedly focused ahead.

Your thoughts were loud and clouded, making your breathing quicker and your heart pounding out of your chest. Can this go badly? What about the others? Where are your friends? Is the reason you weren't seeing titans because they were after your fellow comrades' and friends somewhere far from here?

You felt a sharp pain hit your heart as you imagined the worst.

After a few minutes riding, while the harsh cold breeze hit your face and the wind restlessly pushing your hair back behind you, it started to rain lightly.

Small water drops landing on the tip of your nose and every now and then falling into your eye, making you blink hastily to get rid of it. Then it got heavier, until we were basically being drenched.

The rain rushing at your faces, made it incredibly difficult to see ahead. The water was making your eyes squint and bothering the horses.

But under the panic, everyone looked determined and concentrated on the mission so you tried to ignore it best you could.

At this point, you were being violently showered and the view was cloudy and unclear. The trees branches were aggressively swaying from side to side, blowing leaves high into the icy air.

"It's complicated" Levi x Badass readerWhere stories live. Discover now