Chapter 13

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Hi again, end of exams...almost... so I have a bit of time to write this :)

Chapter dedicated to: Wisslan, thanks for the comment!


We are now in year 2007, just after Harry’s 13 Birthday, which makes Zayn 14, Liam 13 and Louis 15 years old, Gemma, Donnya and Nicola are 16, and Ruth is 18.

To resume Harry’s life right now we can say that it’s a disaster, as simple as that, you want to know why? It’s easy, let’s start with how Gemma is extremely smart and went to university already to study medicine along with Ruth who already ended High School.

Talking about high School we can see that Louis is having a blast there, most popular boy, captain of the football team (soccer), a lady killer with a more than proud father. Donny and Nicola are also there having to tolerate Luis popularity and dealing with their own.

Liam is a complete jock at age 13 already, track team, boxing, football like Louis and good grades more or less… I say more or less because they aren’t his, it’s always Harry doing his work, and him copying from the Omega on the exams so if Liam doesn’t have a good grade is because he couldn’t look at Harry’s exam and believe me when I say that Harry does all he can so the alpha can look from him because if not the consequences will be clear on his body latter.

Exactly, Liam hits Harry if he doesn’t end with good grades, after all their body difference is quite huge now. Our little Harry was immediately put off training by Karen’s orders, first Yasser tried to keep training him in secret but it didn’t go well when Liam knew and told his mother, then it was Zayn, Blake and Bekah who keep helping him improve, but as of now only Bekah was still on town and able to help, although with the bruises Harry has it’s difficult to train him.

Actually Blake is on town during the school year but on the summer he leaves for trainings camps, like Liam and Louis sometimes, that’s the only reason why the other kids don’t bully Harry at class, as for Zayn he was sent to a military boarding school after a request from his grandfather when he saw the future Gamma too lazy for his liking, and Trisha couldn’t convince Yasser to let Zayn stay.

So now, Harry is a completely mommy’s boy who tries his best to hide his bruises from her, his favorite aunt is Trisha since he spends lots of times there hiding on Zayn’s empty room waiting for him to return, but the young Gamma only does for a week during summer and another during Christmas, it’s been two years like this already and most likely Blake will end like that too.

Gemma was the only person who knew everything about harry and was at his side but now Nicola and Donny took her place, as odd as it sounds Nicola likes Harry better than her own brother, how can you not?

But Harry could handle all of this, he was doing good till now, or so he thought until one horrible day, the day were he regretted killing the omega rogue all that years ago, but not because he was almost shunned from the pack after it, no, he regretted it because he was right and maybe if Harry had gone with him he would have been more happy, what made our favorite Omega think like that?

Well it was already April, a sunny day after a rainy week, so Harry was in a good mood, he trained a bit with Bekah since lately Liam hadn’t hit him, probably because they had barely seen each other even if they still had they rooms together, the only thing that Geoff decided not to give his wife on her “self protection measures” was changing Harry’s room location, after all Geoff really trusted Harry to keep his son safe, but he didn’t imagine that his son would do that things to Harry instead.

The sun was down already when Harry returned home wanting to end his homework along with Liam’s quickly so he could go see if Blake was free, but when he entered Liam’s room to go to his own he saw the worst image, Liam was kissing Sophia, or Sophia was kissing Liam since she was on top of him, either way Harry felt all the air leave him, a huge pain on his chest eating him inside out, it had been years since Liam hadn’t kissed him, and now he was sharing a kiss that seemed much more than theirs with that girl who always made fun of Harry.

Harry stood there like a stone while seeing Sophia’s tongue enter Liam’s mouth, Liam didn’t really know what to do or how they ended like that, he was lost but once again Harry kind of saved him, when the alpha boy saw the omega he pushed Sophia of him who looked at Liam weirdly not knowing why the alpha didn’t react to her since other boys had done it. She noticed Harry there white and with a pained expression on his face, which made her smirk, she knew Harry loved Liam like he shouldn’t, so she was glad to make sure that Harry knew that the Alpha was hers, it was only fair since she had a better rang than the stupid omega.

-What are you doing here freak? - Said Sophia to Harry getting up from Liam’s lap- what are you staring at retarded?

-Harry? - Liam asked when he saw that he didn’t move at all.

Sophia went and slapped Harry, Leaving Liam in shock again, he didn’t understand that girl at all. It seemed to snap Harry out of it though, tears about to fall from his eyes, hurt expression sculpted on his face.

-I said what. Are. You. Doing. On. Your. Alpha’s. room!?- Sophia was losing her temper because why was the fairy here?

-Going to mine- said simply Harry turning a bit and going to the closet he called room ironically, he closed the door as soon as he entered but it didn’t block the voices of his Simba with another Nala, Harry knew he was stupid for still believing that they would have that dream, one day, in the future.

-What the hell did he mean with his room Liam?-Harry heard Sophia ask sounding angry.

-Exactly that, that’s his room- stated Liam seeing it normal since it’s been like that since forever.

- No way! Why?

-Why what? I don’t understand you Sophia.

-You sleep with an omega?

-No- Not anymore thought Liam- he sleeps in there while I sleep here, what’s the problem?

-He likes you Liam! He’s an omega he shouldn’t be so near you!

-Exactly he’s an omega so he serves me, what better way than to be near me so I can order him whenever? - Liam’s answer seemed to easy Sophia on the idea, but this conversation had got Liam tired of the girl so he dismissed her.

Liam went to Harry’s room to demand his homework done but when he opened the door he found Harry crying, the words from the alpha had hurt Harry even deeply, of course Liam only saw him like an omega, he couldn’t fight anymore, he had becomes just a pathetic omega, and he would never be a warrior.

-What the hell Harry? What now? I swear I don’t understand people- said Liam tired of everyone; Liam had developed a short temper with the years, starting as a way to hide the times where he would snap because he was in pain for something, swearing to himself that he would never be sick again.

-Anyway do you have my homework already? - asked the alpha since the omega wasn’t answering his first question and it was becoming awkward for him.

-Do them yourself you stupid prick! - snapped Harry finally, showing a side of him that Liam hadn’t seen in years.

Before Liam could get angry at Harry for replaying at him he got out of the room, he knocked on Blake’s door but the Psi/Beta wasn’t there yet, so he went to the Malik’s like he had been doing for a long time now even more now that Gemma wasn’t there.


Sorry if you find it short, but hope you liked it.

Also it has been written for weeks now but I couldn’t post it don’t know why, and now that I read it I found it shitty…like the worst chapter of this story so far and for that I’m sorry…but I’ve got the flu so I decided to post it like this anyway since I don’t think I can write any better right now….I’ll try to do the next one better! Just know that action is coming our way!

Sorry again…




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