♡︎ 15 ♡︎

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♥︎Seonghwa's POV♥︎

The sleepover at Hongjoong's went okay. I went home to put on some fresh clothes and overall get ready to go to work. When I entered the apartment, I noticed a not even half-eaten sandwich on the counter. I raised an eyebrow as San came out of his room. He smiled at me.

"Hey, Hwa! Oh! My sandwich. Completely forgot it last night. How was the sleepover?" He said as he got some tinfoil to wrap up the food.

"It went pretty good. We played some videogames and had some alcohol." I replied with a shrug. "Now, how do you forget about a whole sandwich?"

"I was talking to Yeosang about stuff last night, a nice heart to heart conversation. He's a real good listener. Then I just kinda forgot." He replied as he wrapped up the sandwich. I looked up as Wooyoung staggered out of San's bedroom in uniform, ready for work as ever.

"I don't wanna go to work..." He grumbled. San just giggled and kissed his cheek.

We left a few minutes after so that we could at least have time for coffee or something before work. I sent Yeosang a little good morning text as we headed for the elevator.

♥︎Yeosang's POV♥︎

I didn't know what time it was when I woke up to the sound of knocking on the apartment door. I groaned, not wanting to get up but the knocking was getting annoying. I rolled out of bed, yawning in the process, and stumbled to the door. Opening it, I was met with none other than Hongjoong.

"Hi Yeosang! I'm off from work today so I thought I'd keep you company. Can I come in?" He said happily as I nodded and stepped aside for him. The short male walked in and looked around like it was his first time in the apartment. "Seonghwa left for work already?" He asked, turning to look at me.

"I guess so. I literally just rolled out of bed so I haven't seen him." I shrugged. Hongjoong nodded.

"I see. Hey can we talk about something? Just a little heart to heart with a concerned friend?" Hongjoong asked with a smile on his face, sitting down on the couch. I shrugged an nodded.

"Sure. Lemme just brush my teeth and wash my face first. You know...so I look at least a little presentable and don't have bad breath." I said as I went to the bathroom.

I was still getting to know everyone a bit better so I guess having Hongjoong around wasn't that bad. I stepped out of the bathroom and sat down with Hongjoong, noticing he had something in his hand.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Oh this? Don't worry about it right now. Right now, I wanna know how everything is going with you." He said, looking at me. Something was up. He was being kinda weird.

"Uh, everything is fine. I don't really think I have to worry much about Kook for a while so I'd say I'm doing great!" I answered as enthusiastically as I possibly could.

"Good, good. So...I was wondering," I knew something was coming, "do you wanna continue to stay here with Seonghwa? I could help you find some great apartments for reasonable prices." He asked and said. I raised an eyebrow.

"Where's this coming from?" I asked, slightly offended. Hongjoong looked slightly panicked.

"Okay look...I'm not trying to sound mean or anything. But I feel that you should be able to handle yourself out there. Seonghwa is a nice guy and was super nice to take you in. But...you gotta handle everything yourself. And I'm not comfortable with him acting as a shield for you when things with your ex get out of hand. Your ex should be your own problem, not Seonghwa's."

"Do you not want me around? Do you think I'm gonna be a problem in terms of your own relationship?" I asked. Hongjoong sighed.

"It's not that. I just don't want you to end up living off of him. And if our relationship does go that far, your room would go to me..." he replied, my heart sinking at the last part.

"If your relationship goes that far, I imagine you'd already be sleeping in the same room-" I started.

"Do you like him?" Hongjoong asked suddenly, cutting me off. I froze for a second and he nodded. "I figured. You move on fast, I must say. I like you and all but you gotta take care of yourself. I brought the book of possible places you could live. They're all very nice places and they're affordable. I'll just leave you with this." Hongjoong as he got up and left the apartment.

And maybe he was right. I didn't wanna seem like a freeloader and I already felt like I didn't do enough to repay him. Maybe I was living off of him. I couldn't relate San's story to any of this because he and Wooyoung were at least in college and had no choice but to share the room. I picked up my phone and mentally debated whether or not I should text Seonghwa about Hongjoong. I decided against it. I sat down and looked through the booklet anyway. Hongjoong wasn't lying, the places were very nice. And even though he said they were affordable, I didn't exactly have the money to pay for it. I decided to text San instead.

♥︎Seonghwa's POV♥︎

"Hey Hwa, did you know Yeosang is considering moving out? Seems kinda sudden, right?" San asked, looking over in my direction. I looked at him like he had seven heads.

"What are you talking about?"

"He just texted me about it. He said he's thinking about it. Apparently Hongjoong dropped off a booklet of really nice places around the city, and he's gonna try and find a job so he can afford it. I figured you knew about it." He continued. I sighed and shook my head.

"No. No I didn't know about it." I replied.

Hongjoong what did you say to him?

"I don't want the little guy to leave...he's so sweet and I'm getting so used to him beinh around." San whined as he continued on texting Yeosang.

"Yeah..me too. Hongjoong mentioned something like this during the sleepover. I decided that Yeosang could decided whatever he wanted and if he wants to stay, I'm okay with that. But it's no coincidence that he's suddenly thinking about it after my conversation with Joong." I said, a little distressed.

Hongjoong don't stress me out like this.


okay so this chapter was pretty meh. I struggled just a little bit but I'll get back on track soon. I'm currently obsessed with the new story idea I have so I'm like...not even focused lol. I wanna publish it but then that's just three stories I gotta write and oof I cannot do that. I have this story and then the revamp of "Shy Boy, Bad Boy", which I also have some high hopes for. :)

Anyway, thanks for reading and you probably didn't enjoy this chapter too much, which I will understand. Have a nice day/night ily ❤️❤️


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