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♥︎Seonghwa's POV♥︎

I woke up the morning after my fight with Yeosang's ex with a splitting headache and a throbbing eye. I got up and handled my usual morning business before going to the kitchen and getting myself an ice pack. I saw neither Yeosang or San and it was still a bit dark out so I assumed it was very early in the morning...too early for me to wanna be awake, basically.

I just sat on the couch and turned on the TV, turning down the volume so jo one would wake up. I didn't feel tired because my mind was just all over the place, wandering to different parts of what happened the day before. Yeosang's ex boyfriend was a tough one and I had a feeling that wouldn't be the last time I'd see him.

I turned off the TV and threw on some sweat pants (still wearing a shirt of course) and threw on some sneakers. Just for the heck of it, I took the short trip to the lobby and went out the doors. His ex left already.

"Seonghwa?" I heard someone call my name. I turned around to Yunho standing up against the wall.

"Yunho? What are you doing out here?" I asked him, going to stand beside him.

"I'm always out here at this time. I'm wide awake and I love the way the sky looks at twilight...I also come out here to think." He replied with a slight smile.

I looked around. It really was peaceful and aesthetically pleasing; the empty streets except for maybe the occassional person, the deep blue of the sky where the moon is still visible, and that breeze you get every now and then. It really was calming.

"So whatcha been thinking about?" I asked, looking his way. Yunho turned away and I could see his cheeks turn red. I smirked. "You were thinking about Mingi again. When are you gonna tell him how you feel?"

"I just....," Yunho played with the sleeves of his sweater, "I want to, I really do, but....we've been friends so long I don't think he'd feel the same...I'm scared." He admitted, and I could see a couple tears well up in his eyes.

"Hey, don't cry, I know you can do it. I know for a fact that your friendship with Mingi wouldn't be ruined if you told him. You guys are so close, why would he hurt you like that?"

"I'm just....not ready for the rejection...I'm not ready to hear that he doesn't go for boys, I'm not ready for that kind of heartbreak-"

"You are the only person here who believes you'll get rejected. We all think it'll work out for you. You guys are almost always together, you share a room, what makes you think it won't work out for you?"

"The friendzone...but I guess you're right. Maybe I'll tell him one of these days. I guess I shouldn't have been thinking those things. That's why I've taken so long to do it. You're real helpful, Hwa, thank you." Yunho smiled at me and I smiled back.

"You gonna stay out here?" I asked. Yunho nodded.

"Yeah I'm gonna stay here. I'll see later and be careful, your eye is still pretty messed up." He replied and referred to my eye. I gently touched my eye ans chuckled at the slight pain I felt.

"If push comes to shove, we'll call it a battle scar for Yeosang." I said. Yunho just stared at me. "What?...Yunho?"

"Do you like him?" He asked me with that same smile, but there was still that seriousness in his eyes that showed he wasn't kidding. "You just met him and already you're fighting off his ex for him. So I'm gonna say you do, cause that can't just be a Seonghwa act of kindness." I chuckled and shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm gonna say it is. I don't have any special feelings for Yeosang, I'm just being a good friend and putting his crappy ex boyfriend in his place." I replied. Yunho giggled like he didn't believe me.

You Don't Know | SeongSang (COMPLETED)✔️Where stories live. Discover now