♡︎ 6 ♡︎

753 45 31

♥︎Yeosang's POV♥︎


"Yeosang? Are you there?" I could still hear Hobi on the phone. Jungkook looked at me and smirked, dropping his cigarette on the ground and stepping on it.

"So this is where you're hiding, Sangie?" He started coming closer to me. As much as I wanted to take a step back, I just stood there as Hobi continued calling for me. Jungkook took my phone away from me.

"Hey, Yeosang is a bit busy right now. I promise he'll call you later." He then hung up the phone and put it in his pocket, staring at me and crossing his arms. "I think it's fate, Sangie...you know...I happened to be parked out here and you came straight to me. Guess this was all the proof I needed to know that you still wanted me." He said with that damn deep voice of his.

"It's just a coincidence...I don't need you anymore, Kook." I replied, trying to appear strong. But Jungkook knew fully well I was anything but. I tried to recall Seonghwa's words but for some reason I couldn't think.

"Really? So that means you've found someone else already. Where are they, then?" Jungkook wouldn't get that damned smirk off his face. He chuckled at my silence. "That's what I thought."

What made him think I'd find love so fast?.....okay maybe I was quick to catch feelings but...right after a breakup? Jungkook stepped even closer to me, leaning so he was at equal level with my ear. He smelled like the cigarette and alcohol. I hated it but missed it at the same time.

"You know you can't live without me, Yeosang. I was the best thing that ever happened to you, Yeosang...I gave you everything, remember?," he placed his hands on my waist and pulled me close to him. "You love me, don't you?" He then leaned down and kissed my neck.

"B-But I thought..I was too boring for you..." I choked out.

"I didn't mean that, baby...I shouldn't of used your virginity against you like that...why don't you come back with me? You know you want to..."

I felt like I could barely breathe. His scent was intoxicating and the sound of his voice made it hard to break free from his spell.

"You love me, don't you, Sangie?"


"HEY!!" I heard a familiar voice behind me. Suddenly, Jungkook and I were ripped apart by two hands. Seonghwa protectively stood in front of me. He looked pissed. "Who the hell are you?"

"So you're Sangie's new boy toy, and he hasn't told you about me? I'm hurt....I'm Jungkook..Yeosang's boyfriend-"

"Ex boyfriend." I chimed in.

"You don't mean that, baby. That breakup was fake and you know it. You were just hungry. I was gonna take you to KFC."

"So you're the bastard that cheated on him and left him on the streets?" Seonghwa growled. Jungkook held his hands up in surrender.

"Whoa whoa whoa! I see Yeosang is spreading lies now! I can promise you that never happened." He replied with that same sly grin. He really thought he was doing something.

"Oh yeah? So why is he with me now? I was there the night you kicked him out. I saw him getting held up by some guys and I offered him a place to stay. This shirt? It belongs to a friend of mine. So is Yeosang really lying if I have the other half of the story-" Seonghwa was cut off by a blow to the face with Jungkook's fist.

"Seonghwa!!" I called to him.

"You talk too damn much. Let's go, Yeosang, I'm sick of these games." Jungkook grabbed my wrist and started dragging me to his car. He was so different. He was never this rough. Maybe he was drunk...or high.

Seonghwa got up and punched Jungkook back in the face. Jungkook fought back though and the two went back and forth. I tried to think of a way to help Seonghwa. I remembered Jungkook always kept a bat in the back of his car for some reason. His car door happened to be open so I climbed to the back seat and retrieved the bat. I just had to wait for the right moment, but I couldn't wait too long: Seonghwa needed me.

I went up behind Jungkook at just the right time and knocked him unconcious.

I was panting so much I felt I was out of breath. I dropped the bat and rushed to Seonghwa's side. Seonghwa immediately pulled me into a hug. I couldn't help but cry a little in his arms.

"I'm so sorry, Seonghwa...I'm sorry.." I whispered. Seonghwa stroked my head gently.

"Don't be...I told you I'd be like your bodyguard, didn't I?" He softly said. I could feel my cheeks burn a bit.

It made little to no sense to me, though. It had been a couple of days, Seonghwa barely knew me and I barely knew him. And yet here he was, fighting off my now toxic ex boyfriend, taking hits for me and protecting me like I was special. Jungkook used to make me feel special but this was different since my first boyfriend didn't turn out toxic. So Jungkook didn't really have anyone to fight off for me. Seonghwa willingly took on the self-employed job of being my bodyguard to fight off Jungkook for me. For me. Offering me a roof to put over my head, bringing in another mouth to feed, another person to take care of was enough already.

Rearranging his apartment wouldn't be enough to repay him.

Seonghwa let go if me and that's when I noticed his black eye.

"Seonghwa, your eye!!" I yelled. He just chuckled.

"Don't worry about it. What kind of bodyguard would I be if I didn't take hits for you? Now come on, everyone else is waiting for us." He said, guiding me inside. I felt so bad, bringing my issues into his life. I was so damn grateful for him...


"Hwa, what happened?!" Hongjoong jumped up from the couch and asked. Seonghwa only explained that he got into a fight and helped me, leaving room for me to speak about my portion of the situation.

I explained it all to them. They all seemed pretty disgusted at Jungkook. At least that meant they were on my side and didn't hate me for bringing this into their lives, not that I knew Jungkook would get this bad.

"Leave him on the curb. Wait 'til he wakes up and then knock him out again." San said, shaking his head and getting Seonghwa an ice pack. Seonghwa put the ice pack over his bruised eye.

I couldn't help but stare at him with worry and sadness. Seonghwa just smiled at me and ruffled my hair as usual. That never failed to make me smile. Seonghwa then retreated to his room to get some rest. I sat with the rest of the guys. San just came back smiling.

"Isn't Seonghwa so cool? Beating someone up like POW BOOM POW WOW!!" He said, lightening the mood.

"Yes. I'm really glad Yeosang is a good enough person for Seonghwa to protect," Yunho started before getting up, "Now then...everybody stand back! Prince Mingi is coming! I said stand back!" He pretended to be a bodyguard as Mingi walked out of the bathroom acting like a celebrity. San and Wooyoung acted like royal servants and everyone else bowed down to him.

I giggled and after a while, I went into Seonghwa's room to see how he was doing. He was fast asleep. I sat on his bed and stroked his head. I smiled sadly at him. Jungkook was strong and still he went up against him, not giving up or anything. I even knocked him out, something I never thought I could do.

"Thank you, Hwa..." I whispered.


Thank you for reading this chapter! I hope you like all these updates- *ahem* ❤️❤️❤️❤️

So....there's a reason Jungkook is his boyfriend..(not that anyone asked lol) Confession time:

I made ONE EDIT! ONE!! and I was like..."I low-key ship my biases" that's how much of a sucker for ships I am lmao...

so... KOOKSANG❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Anyway thanks for reading!!

SeongSang and Vkook are still superior of course 💙💙💙❤️❤️❤️

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