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♥︎Wooyoung's POV♥︎

"Yo! I'm heading over to San's place!!" I yelled, hoping Hongjoong and Jongho would hear me. Hongjoong ran out of his bedroom, putting on his shoes in the process.

"Wait, I wanna come!" He said. I looked around for the missing Jongho. "He went to the gym this morning, remember?" I nodded my head. Hongjoong and I left the apartment and headed over to Seonghwa's apartment.

You're probably wondering why San and I don't share an apartment. Let's just say things get a little too heated between us sometimes, so separating us was the only option at the time. I knocked in the apartment door and neither San nor Seonghwa opened up the door. I smiled and gasped.

"Hi! Are you Yeosang?" I asked. He nodded with a little smile. I squealed like some excited piglet. "You are so CUTE!!" I yelled in excitement, picking him up and spinning him around the apartment. Hongjoong followed me inside. I stopped spinning Yeosang as San came out of his room, pretending to be offended.

"Oi, Wooyoung! Who're you calling cute?!" I just stuck my tongue out at him.

"Oh hush, you big baby. Now come over here and gimme some lovin'!" I joked and then opened my arms for him. San ran at me and picked me up, spinning my around like I had done with Yeosang.

♥︎Hongjoong's POV♥︎

I giggled as Wooyoung and San has their little happy moment. I looked over to Yeosang who looked a little sad watching them. He sat down on the couch and took his phone out and started playing with it. I furrowed my eyebrows, concerned. Seonghwa then came out of his room upon hearing us all.

"Oh hey, guys! I didn't hear you come in." I waved at Seonghwa with a big smile. I then motioned for him to come closer.

"Is he okay?" I whispered and pointed to Yeosang, who was on the couch. "He was fine until San and Wooyoung started messing around." I continued. Seonghwa looked his way and whistled for his attention. Yeosang looked up at him.

"You alright? Be honest." He asked the smaller boy. Yeosang just looked back down at his phone and shrugged. Seonghwa sighed and looked at me. "He's going through something right now." He finished. I just nodded with a little frown.

"Hey, whatcha doin' here all by your lonesome? I didn't get to talk to you! I'm Wooyoung!" I heard Wooyoung talking to Yeosang. I chuckled.

"I'm not gonna get a chance with him, maybe next time. You wanna get a coffee, Hwa?" I asked the much taller boy. Seonghwa smiled and nodded and pretty much just snuck out.

On the way to the coffee shop, we talked a bunch about work and how often I've been making music. Seonghwa always suggested I make a living out if it but I never agreed. It was just a hobby of mine. We continued walking and some drunk guy staggered towards us. Seonghwa put his arm in front of me and stepped to the side, letting the drunk guy pass. I could feel my cheeks warming up. He was just so protective and he looked so..handsome in protective mode.

'What are you saying, Joong.  Stop it.' I scolded myself as we continued walking.

We made it to the coffee shop and I loved the smell of coffee. We didn't necessarily need to be there for coffee, there plenty of pastries and snacks. I got some cookies and Seonghwa got the same but with an iced coffee. We sat down at a table by one of the large windows and continued talking. I drowned out everything as my eyes studied his face. I blushed a bit. Seonghwa was truly gorgeous and anybody could see that. I giggled a bit to myself, thinking of a variety of different things. I bit my bottom lip slightly.

"Joong! Are you listening?" He waved his hand in front of my face.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm sorry." I shook my head a bit, getting myself out of that trance.


We got back to his apartment and all our friends were there, playing Mario Kart.

"Where have you two been?!" San asked, sounding like an angry mom.

"Relax, we just snuck away to a coffee shop real quick." I replied with a chuckle. Yunho paused the game and smirked at us.

"Oh you snuck away?" He asked with a bit if an evil laugh. I rolled my eyes, trying to keep the blush from creeping up to my cheeks. But that plan failed, my cheeks were all rosy. "T-That's not what I meant!" I exclaimed. I then mentally kicked myself for stuttering. I sighed and sat with Yeosang, quickly introducing myself to him.

Seonghwa sat down with us and we all played Mario Kart together, taking turns since eight of us were in the room.

♥︎Yeosang's POV♥︎

I got up from the game when I saw that I was getting a call from Hoseok. I left the room and just stood outside.

"Hey Hobi!" I greeted happily.

"Hey Sangie! I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, Hobi, how's your dancing coming along?" I asked happily.

"It's amazing! I perform publicly now, can you believe that?!"

"That's great, Hobi!"

The conversation was going fine. But then the milliob dollar question came up:

"How's your relationship doing?"

"Yeosang? Did something happen?"

"Lemme get out of the building, I'll explain."

I started walking to the exit of the building, going down the elevator and arriving in the lobby. Once I walked out the doors, I nearly dropped my phone. It had only been a couple days since I was finally rid of him. My heart hadn't fully moved on yet, I wasn't sure of anything yet. He went from being the guy of my dreams to the thing that haunts my nightmares. His dark hair, his sleeve of tattoos, the piercings in his ears, that sharp jaw, those beautiful lips I once kissed, those beautiful dark eyes. He was a daydream dressed like a nightmare and it would only take two seconds for him to snap you in half. I didn't expect to see him so soon.

And yet there he was, smoking his damn cigarette. I could barely Hobi trying to talk to me over the phone.



Thank you for reading! ❤️❤️❤️ I hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you next time!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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