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♥︎Seonghwa's POV♥︎

I always found it convenient that my friends and I got off work at the same time. We at least got to go home together. Instead of going straight home, we wandered around the mall for a bit, getting some food, buying KPOP merch we didn't need and would probably sell again later. Wooyoung's favorite song could be heard throughout the mall and he and San just started dancing throughout the mall, having no shame whatsoever. They were couple goals, for real.

This was pretty much how we spent most of our time together, acting random and not having a single care in the entire world.

"Why don't we hit up the karaoke bar? I heard it's KPOP night!" Mingi suggested happily, jumping up and down while clapping his hands together.

"It's always KPOP night, Mingi." Jongho playfully hit Mingi, who let out a dorky giggle. Yunho jumped in and played along with them.

"Oi! No hitting Prince Mingi!" He said, acting like his knight in shining armor. I just laughed at them. All my friends were cute. I didn't realize everyone had agreed to go do karaoke until everyone turned to look at me.

"Huh? Oh I'm sorry, guys, I have things to do at home. Maybe next time. Maybe." I replied, recieving an "awwww" from everyone, San being the loudest.

Once we all got outside, it was already pouring. I put up my umbrella and said my goodbyes to the guys as they pulled out of the parking lot in seprate cars. I got into my own car, closing my umbrella and taking a moment to enjoy the sound of the rain. It really was soothing. I finally started my car and began driving. Driving around the city at night and in the rain was a whole experience in itself. You were trapped by responsibilities during the day, but at night you were teleported to a new world, where all the places you couldn't go to earlier were now at your disposal. You could be whoever you wanted to be at night, do whatever you wanted. That was the fun part at least. Being out at night was dangerous if you ran into the wrong people.

I parked my car outside of my favorite coffee shop, ready to get myself a Americano. Jongho let me try it once and it was actually pretty good. I sat by the window while I waited as usual, listening to the sound of rain and watching all the beautiful people be free. As I waited though, I noticed a car pull up to the side and a door swung open, revealing a small boy come out and yell at someone while crying his heart out. The door slammed closed and the boy just stood there crying. Eventually he ran off and I started to get more concerned. My coffee was ready and once I took it, I said my thank you and went back out to my car, ready to head home.

I turned on the radio and listened to music as I drove, enjoying the alone time. I looked at the time, seeing that it wasn't too late. I wasn't too worried about San, he was usually home late. As I drove, I heard a lot of yelling, specifically from one person. It sounded a lot like the guy from earlier. I turned my usual corner and saw a small group of people surrounding a smaller person.

'It's him..' I thought to myself. Was he getting held up?

I parked my car and got out, grabbing my umbrella on the way. I opened it and ran at them, kicking them each and throwing a few punches.

"Hey, what are you doing!? Get outta here!!" I yelled to them. They all ran away and I sighed. I looked towards the smaller boy and saw he was trembling with his eyes closed like he was waiting for the worst to come. I walked over to him and held the umbrella over his head. He flinched and looked up at me. "You alright?" I asked softly.

"Who are you?" He asked, taking a step back. I let him.

"I'm Park Seonghwa. I'm just a normal guy who works at SEPHORA. Are you alright?" I introduced myself and asked again. He nodded his head.

"I-I'm f-fine.." he choked out through his tears.

"Do you need a ride home?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in concern.

"...just leave me here.." He said sternly.

"It wouldn't be right to leave you here. Why don't you come along with me?" I asked. I was careful with what I said. I didn't want to come off as some creepy guy.

The smaller boy was hesitant but then nodded his head. I nodded back to him and led him to my car, where I opened the car door for him and he carefully climbed in. I then closed the door for him and got into the driver seat. I started on the journey back to the apartment again.

♥︎Yeosang's POV♥︎

I got into his car, and just stiffly sat there. He started driving and he didn't speak for a while. At first I thought he was some creep after all since he hadn't bothered to ask my name but then he spoke up.

"What's your name?" He asked sweetly. I looked at him while he had his eyes on the road. I looked down again.

"Yeosang...Kang Yeosang.." I revealed my name to him. I glanced at him and saw a little smile on his face.

"That's a pretty name." He complimented.

"Thank you....how did you find me?" I asked, looking up at him again.

"I saw you getting out of a car, yelling and crying. I was concerned and then in my way home, I happened to see you again. Just in time, too." He answered as he parked his car. He gave me his umbrella and I gently took it, holding it up over my head. He led me inside and then took me to his apartment, which was surprisingly big and gorgeous on the inside.

Seonghwa had helped me with my jacket and he hung it up on the coat rack next to the door.

"The bathroom is right over there. I'll get you some PJs to where. Hold on." He then disappeared into a room I assumed was his.

I looked around, resisting the urge to sit down cause I was soaked. The apartment was so spacious I nearly forgot it was even an apartment. I wondered how much rhe rent was. Seonghwa jogged out of his room and handed me some if his PJs. They were pretty big but I didn't mind wearing big clothes. I went to the shower and handled my business.

I came out of the bathroom, drying my fluffy hair with a towel. Seonghwa was laying on the couch watching TV. He looked in my direction and smiled.

"Hey it fits...kind of," he sat up and turned off the TV, "So...why were you out in the rain anyway...I'm sorry if it's a touchy subject." He said and asked. I put the towel around my neck and plopped down on the couch next to him.

"My now ex boyfriend and I had a fight about something that was his fault and...when I broke up with him, he kicked me out." I sadly said, clearly remembering what happened.

"Well, you can stay here tonight until you go home in the morning. I just didn't want you out alone in the rain at night." He said, placing his hand on my shoulder to comfort me. I looked to him and then just looked away. "What's wrong?" He asked. I was too embarrassed to say it but I knew I had to.

"I have no where else to go." I plainly said. "But it doesn't matter, I'll be out of your hair before morning-"

"Are you kidding? You're staying here, then....sorry that came out so agressive. Anyway, there's a free room over there. San is my roommate and I'm sure he wouldn't mind having you here." I couldn't believe anything he was saying.

"But you don't even know me..." I said in a low tone.

"We can fix that."


So much updating today ^_^ I hope you enjoyed this chapter! What'll happen now that sweet Yeosang has come along? Will San really be okay with him living with them?❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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