The Dinner

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Hermione's POV

As we walked into the dining room I immediately locked eyes with Blaise, who was also just arriving. Busted lip, serves him right. I broke eye contact as the girls and I took our places at the table. Once everyone was seated, the food was brought to the table, which soon erupted in conversation.

"So, Blaise, what happened to your lip? It wasn't like that when we got here, what'd you do?" Neville asked.

"Hm? Oh, this?" He asked, pointing at his lip. He took a quick glance at me as I just smirked.

"Um... I would lie and say that I slipped and fell, but Hermione would just correct me. Right, Mione?"

"Correct!" I responded a bit louder than intended, but only because I was slightly laughing. They looked at me confused.

"Hermione... slapped me." Draco chuckled, then cleared his throat.

"And what, exactly, did you do that made her slap you mate?" He asked, curiously.

"He was flirting with me." I said, not looking up from my plate.

"That makes since." Ginny mumbled. Everyone laughed and talked for a little while longer, before Blaise asked me a question that got everyone's attention.

"So, Granger... how have you been the past few years? Anyone to share a bed with?"

"I don't need anyone to share it with," I replied with a sad smile, as Astoria dismissed me with a wave of her hand.

"Of course you do! Everybody does." She said as she examined me.

"You're beautiful, Mione. I bet you have tons of suitors."

"Oh, she does... Only problem is, she isn't really interested in any of them. Truthfully, I've given up in setting her up with some of the best bachelors in the the wizarding world, myself," Ginny stated while glaring at me.

"Well, why?" Astoria asked, looking at me.

"Don't you want to grow old with someone?"

"I did. But, that was a long time ago. So long ago... I've forgotten." I replied.

"Well you can't give up on it! Besides, you were a Gryffindor. Aren't you Gryffindors supposed to be the affectionate ones?" Astoria replied with a stern but curious look. I giggled slightly.

"I haven't given up, yet. I guess I'm just a little traumatized." Oh no. I shouldn't have said that. This conversation might not end well.

"Really, how so?" Astoria questioned. I looked at her, then glanced around at everyone else, before looking down a little with a slight shrug.

"Last relationship didn't end well."

"Why? What happened?" She asked, quizzingly. I looked up, about to say something, when Draco tried to change the subject.

"Hey, where are Weasley and Pansy, anyways?"

"Oh, up on the balcony. Probably snogging each other's brains out!" Blaise replied with a small laugh.

"Be quiet, Zabini!" Astoria said sternly, and he immediately shut up.

"Tell us about it, Mione." I looked up at Draco momentarily, then around to everyone else, as to not make it too obvious.

"Well... Last I heard, he's getting married." Astoria looked at me sympathetically.

"I'm sorry." Just then, Pansy walked through the door.

"That's not all is it, Mione? What else happened? Is it someone we know?" She asked. Not very many people knew about mine and Draco's relationship, so some of them don't know what happened.

"No that's not all, but I don't think we should talk about it around the dinner table." I replied, not wanting to talk about it. It hurt too much. Ginny looked at me then Astoria, before speaking.

"I don't think you should talk about it at all."

"Why not? Is it because of who he is?" Pansy asked. I got up from the table quickly, surprising everyone with the sudden action.

"I'm sorry. I can't. I need some air." I responded shakily, before turning, and attempting, to calmly walk out the door. Ginny then excused herself, following me to make sure I was alright.

I couldn't make it any further than the lounge deck, before my knees buckled underneath me, and I collapsed on the floor crying. Not long after, the girls came out to try and calm me down. Pansy, immediately after seeing the state I was in, ran up to me and knelt beside me, hugging me tightly as I cried on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Mione. I shouldn't have pushed you. You don't have to tell us if you don't want to." Pansy apologized. I shook my head slightly, pushing myself away from her before speaking again.

"I can't tell you everything. But, I can tell you..." I started, glancing up to see if Draco was there, and luckily he wasn't.

"The truth is, right after he left I found out I was pregnant, and I decided to keep the baby. I wanted to always have a piece of him with me, but I had a miscarriage." Ginny looked at me in disbelief. She told me before dinner, not to mention anything about my past with him. And yet, here I am. When I looked back up, I noticed the girls' shocked faces.

"You might as well tell them who it is, before it comes out accidentally." Ginny said, trying not to sound too harsh. It didn't work very well.

I looked at her hurt, and with slight disbelief. Why is she so mad about me saying this? It's not her life for Merlin's sake, it's mine! And besides, they're my friends. I was angry at this point, and too in pain with having this harsh part of my past brought up, that I couldn't control myself.

"I can't!! Can't you see? I can barely say his name without breaking down, let alone look at him anymore!!" I responded a bit louder than intended, and unfortunately caught the boys' attention.

"What's going on out here? Are you alright Hermione?" Neville asked. I looked up to see all of the boys standing around us. Bloody hell. I sniffled a bit, before wiping my face and standing up. Ginny gave me a sympathetic look, realizing the impact of her statement.

"Nothing." I replied with an attempt at a fake smile.

"I'm fine. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'm going to turn in early tonight. I'll see you at breakfast." I replied before heading to my room.

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