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Chapter 2

Annie Ross shrugged into a satin robe and lost herself to the song blaring from over-sized speakers. She moved the navy curtain aside and watched the sexy redhead seduce the pole as if it were an extension of a man's body. Her near-naked frame wrapped around the galvanized steel with such fluidity all she could do was stare.

The audience's enthusiasm was palpable. They barely noticed the scantily-clad waitresses delivering drinks to each table, their eyes fixated on the beautiful stripper in front of them. Molly Cassidy knew exactly how to get the men's—and a handful of women's—attention. Which was why Stella, the owner of Garters and Lace, chose her to mentor the new dancers hired into the club.

In a rapid blur of motion, Molly flung herself against the pipe. She crossed her ankles overhead and hugged the pole between her thighs. Her upper body arched back, her hands sliding over an oil-covered torso.

Vibrations from the bass thumped underneath Annie's bare feet. She turned her attention toward the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the dressing room and applied bronzer to the apple of her cheeks. She hadn't been working at the establishment for very long, but already the employees considered her a customer favorite. Every night she performed, the clients packed themselves in like hungry sardines, looking for a morsel to devour.

A burst of applause erupted from the crowd and a moment later Molly swung the curtain to one side. Naked from the waist up, she teetered backstage, a wide smile fastened to her face. Fire-red hair hung in long spirals, skimming the dimples of her lower back.

"Hey, lover." The dancer draped a slender arm across Annie's shoulder and planted a kiss on her cheek, leaving behind an imprint of crimson-red lipstick. "I didn't know you were working tonight." She lit up a cigarette and took a long drag, then exhaled slowly.

Annie dusted another stroke of color over the stain of lipstick and stepped back to admire her reflection. "I picked up an extra shift. And I'm glad you're here ..." She turned away from the mirror and gave the redhead a firm look. "I have a favor to ask."

"What is it?"

"My friend thinks someone's following her. I convinced her to call the cops, but it didn't go very well."

"Don't tell me," Molly began, "they're not going to help?"

"Yeah. Can you believe it? They said she didn't have enough evidence."

Molly rolled heavily-outlined brown eyes and took another leisurely hit of nicotine. "Yeah, I can believe it. My cousin called the cops after her old man beat the shit out of her and you know what they did?" She arched thinly-sculpted eyebrows. "Nothing. They did shit. Tried to make her feel guilty just cause she threw the first punch. It's called self-defense, assholes." She curled her upper lip and set the cigarette in an ashtray, then swallowed down a drink left half-empty on the table. "I realized then, if we wanted protection, we'd need to protect ourselves. I don't wanna rely on anyone else to keep me safe. When I have a late class, it's creepy as fuck walking across campus at night."

Molly fished around in her pocket for a tube of mascara then began applying another layer to her already made-up lashes.

"So, what should I have her do?" Annie asked. "I was thinking she needed a gun."

Molly nodded. "I figured that's what you were gettin' at."

"Yeah, but the problem is ... I don't know where to get one. And I need it quick. My friend's not exactly street-smart. She wouldn't be able to defend herself the way you or I could."

"Have you talked to Big D? He's the one who got me mine. Although I'm not sure he's doin' that shit anymore. Something about it being risky and he doesn't want to get busted." Her eyes met Annie's in the mirror. "But I have to say, I love my Beretta. Never leave home without it."

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