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Trigger Warning: This chapter contains themes of abuse.

Chapter 28

Hudson rolled onto her back and stretched, craving the motivation to crawl out of bed. Exhaustion weighed down her arms and legs, even the muscles in her shoulders felt like jello. A quick glance out the window told her it was still early, and a peek at the clock confirmed her suspicion. 4:57. The sun hadn't even ascended over the horizon.

Taking a deep breath, Hudson rubbed at the profound discomfort in her eyes.

She'd excused herself to bed around 10:30 the evening before, and when her head finally hit the pillow, she'd fallen right to sleep. A deep, motionless sleep, devoid of dreams and nightmares. Yet somehow it felt as if she'd barely gotten any rest. Poor Jacob had been exhausted, too. She'd seen it in his eyes when she'd hugged him goodnight. There was no way he'd be awake at this hour.

The idea of him cutting his trip short just to come back and stay with her continued to pummel through her mind. A selfless act on his part, and one she would have never expected or asked for. But that's what friends did; they watched out for one another. If the tables were turned, she'd certainly do the same for him.

There had to be a way she could show her gratitude. To show Jacob his thoughtfulness did not go unnoticed. Perhaps she could have a delicious breakfast waiting for him when he woke up? The kind of breakfast that made grown men salivate. Eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast. The works. Her favorite meal of the day. Gran had always said the best way to a man's heart was through his stomach. Not that she wanted Jacob's heart, she just wanted to thank him for being such a good friend. It was the heart of another man she was after.

Hudson reached for her phone on the bedside table. Before she'd fallen asleep, she'd sent Myles a quick text to let him know Jacob was back in town. He'd be staying with her until they caught whoever had broken into her apartment. Now he wouldn't feel obligated to be with her on his nights off from work. Not that she didn't want Myles there. She did, more than anything. Only she didn't want him to feel as if he had no choice. But she'd been so exhausted, so anxious to crawl under the covers, she hadn't wait for a response.

Hudson swiped at the screen, the soft green glow illuminating the dark space around her. Eight missed calls now, all from the same number, and one from a cell she didn't recognize. And finally, a sweet text from Myles wishing her sweet dreams.

She bit her bottom lip and smiled as thoughts of the handsome cop flooded through her.

Myles Young was quite the catch. And of all the women in Chicago, he wanted to be with her. She still couldn't believe her good fortune! What had she done to deserve his attention? Surely there were more beautiful girls out there who thought he was attractive and charming and funny. Probably even several women at the police station who felt the same way. And yet, he'd chosen her. Hudson Caldwell. With her quirky sense of humor and self-conscious ways. Not gorgeous, by any means, but pretty in her own right.

Come on—he really likes you! Would you get that through your thick skull?

She was always so hard on herself, so unforgiving. Why wouldn't he like her? She was ambitious and goal-oriented; an up-and-coming artist. And with her first exhibit under way, that was something to be proud of! All of the blood, sweat, and tears she'd endured to get where she was now. All of the pain she'd worked through. There were times when she'd been convinced she wouldn't make it. Times when the darkness overpowered the light.

But she had made it.

Gran would be so proud if she could see everything she'd accomplished; making an honest attempt to fit in, to be a contributing member of society. To be normal, just another girl making her way in the world. That's all she'd ever wanted, that's what she'd worked so hard for. She'd earned this little slice of ordinary.

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