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Chapter 18

"Did you have a good time?" Myles asked once they were settled into the SUV. They drove down the neighborhood street, now shrouded in nighttime shadows. "I told you Frank wasn't so bad."

Hudson turned away from the window and smiled. "He wasn't bad at all. In fact, they were all very nice. Ebony's amazing. So sweet and kind-hearted. And the kids ..." She let out a little giggle. "They're adorable."

"I knew you'd like them. They're the perfect family. Like something you'd see on TV."

"Yes, they are."

Hudson grew quiet. The perfect parents, the perfect children. She'd known what that felt like once upon a time. Now it seemed more like a dream or a fairy tale than reality. Memories of her own family had faded over the years, and in their place hovered a strong sense of longing. Like needing to satisfy an itch she couldn't quite reach.

"Hey, are you okay?" Myles reached over and placed his hand over hers. It felt warm and soothing against her skin. Immediately, she relaxed.

"I'm fine. Just thinking, is all."

"About your family?" he asked.

How did he do that? She hadn't known Myles Young for very long, but he could read her so easily.

"Watching Eli and Mia together reminded me of Jonathon. And how Frank and Ebony looked at one another ..." She paused to gather her thoughts. "It's how it should be. You know? Their love for each other was evident, even when they didn't say a word. They didn't need to. All they had to do was look into each other's eyes and they knew. They could feel it. I could feel it." She turned away. "Someday, I want what they have."

"Hudson ..." he said, his voice suddenly thick. Myles gripped her hand and gave it a squeeze. "You'll have that one day. Any man would be lucky to have you. And if they don't realize that, then you're with the wrong guy."

As they drove home on the darkened city streets, Myles continued to hold her hand, his thumb tracing lightly over her skin. He pulled into a space in front of her apartment and put the SUV in park.

"I had a great time tonight," he murmured into the quiet of the car. "I'd love to see you again."

Hudson's eyes fell briefly before meeting his. "Would you like to come up for awhile? Annie won't be back until late."

Myles stared at her for a moment, his eyes alive with surprise. "If you're sure."

The corner of her mouth lifted. "I'm positive."

Hand in hand they entered the building and climbed the stairs, finally letting go so she could open the front door. The apartment sat still, the only movement coming from the curtains blowing in the breeze alongside the open window. She glanced at Myles, hoping he wouldn't be upset. After all, she had promised to keep her windows locked at night. But in her defense, there had still been daylight when they'd left.

Hudson turned on a lamp, casting a dim glow over the living room. She wobbled slightly on her feet.

Myles laughed and reached out to steady her. "Two glasses of wine and you're already tipsy? I'd say you're a cheap date."

She laughed, too. "I don't typically drink. Two glasses of wine are two glasses more than I'd normally have. But I ..." she shrugged, "I wanted to let loose for a change."

"You don't have to drink to let loose." Myles continued to hold onto her, his gaze boring into hers.

Hudson opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. Finally, she stepped back. "I know that. I'm just in the mood. Annie has some beer in the fridge. Would you like a can? I think I'm going to have one."

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