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Chapter 32

"Okay, obviously we've received some sketchy details on Annie's whereabouts. But what about this Jacob guy?" Frank's voice trailed off, at a loss. He gave Myles a questioning look. "Do you know his last name?"

"I think he lives on the second floor." Myles shook his head, unable to think straight. He couldn't wrap his brain around the scene unfolding. "He just came back from Michigan, but that's all I know. He was there visiting for the past few weeks."

"Jacob Nabrowski!" Ms. Pelton said suddenly. She elbowed the manager in the side. "That handsome fella who works at the bank. You know the one I'm talking about." She looked back at Frank. "He went to stay with his mom after she had surgery on her knee. I remember him saying that because I have to have knee surgery myself." She sighed and shook her head. "Don't know what I'm gonna do about all those stairs. I'm going to need lots and lots of help." She fixed the manager with a pointed stare.

"Have you seen him since he returned?" Frank asked.

Ms. Pelton's eyes shot open wide. "Oh yeah, a few times. He came back last weekend."

"Can you take us to him?" Myles asked. "It's important that we speak with him right away."

Ms. Pelton and the manager exchanged another look.

The skinny man finally nodded. "Will you take them to his apartment?" he asked, turning to his tenant. "I was in the middle of something before you pulled me away."

The woman beamed, all too happy to help. "Sure! Absolutely. I know exactly where he lives. Just follow me."

The group left the empty apartment while the manager shut and locked the door behind them. The sick feeling that had settled inside of Myles felt heavier and more insistent than before. His stomach heaved as his brain worked to untangle the mess of confusion and dead ends. Where the hell was Annie? How could she just disappear into thin air? He and Frank had seen her return from work late one night a couple of weeks ago. They'd watched her walk down the street and into the building, finally turning on a light in Hudson's apartment. Had he misunderstood where she lived? But if so, why didn't the manager recognize her name? Or for that matter, why didn't the nosy neighbor, who seemed to know everyone and everything?

Frank and Myles followed Jenni Pelton down two flights of stairs and into a hallway identical to the one before. "Jacob lives in apartment 223," she said, glancing over her shoulder. "When you live here as long as I have, you learn everyone's number."

His partner tossed him a look of amusement, but the last thing Myles felt was entertained. All he wanted was answers. Why the hell was it taking so damn long to get them? They should have been in and out of there already, not chasing circles around Hudson's so-called friends. He needed to get back to the hospital to check in on her. He hoped to be there when she woke up.

Up ahead of them a door open, and a man dressed in a suit and tie rushed into the hallway. He turned and locked the door before heading in their direction.

The woman pointed her finger. "There he is! That's Jacob!"

The young man paused in front of them, his eyes narrowing in obvious confusion. "Excuse me?" he asked, more than a little frustrated.

"Officers," Ms. Pelton announced grandly. She turned toward them with a wide smile. "This is Jacob Nabrowski, the man you're looking for."

Jacob's eyes left theirs just long enough to glance at the cell phone in his hand. "I'm sorry," he said, "What's this all about? I'm running late for work."

"We'll only take a moment of your time," Frank began before Myles could get a word in first. "I'm Officer Williams and this is my partner, Officer Young." He flashed Myles a silent look that said stay quiet. "We just need to ask you a few questions."

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