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Chapter 15

"Jacob Fucking Nabrowski. It's about damn time you called!" Annie cradled the cell phone against her shoulder and applied another layer of pink to her pinky toe. "How's Michigan?"

"Not as fun as Chicago. It's great to see Mom and all, but I'm missing the crowded streets and the smell of Blommer's Chocolates when the wind blows just right." He sucked in a breath, as though he could smell the cocoa on the breeze. "So, how's it going there?"

Annie tightened the tube of nail polish and set it on the nightstand. The pungent chemical smell made her eyes water. "God, I wish we could trade places."

"Why's that?"

She leaned back into her pillows and fanned her toes back and forth to dry them. "Haven't you talked to Hudson?"

"I called her a few days ago, but we didn't talk for long. Why? What's going on?"

"Brace yourself." Annie sat up in bed and pulled her knees to her chest. "Someone broke into her apartment."

"Broke into her apartment?" Shock laced his voice. "Is she all right?"

"Well, she's shaken up." Annie touched her fingers to her forehead, running the tips along her brow. "She's got a small cut and a couple of bruises, but other than that she's fine." No point in telling him about the creepy letter. Or the gun. All it would do is freak him out. If Hudson wanted to tell their friend she could, but Annie wasn't about to go there. She'd probably already said more than she should have.

Jacob let out a quick breath. "Did they catch the guy?"

"Nope. He's still on the loose. But I wouldn't worry too much if I were you. Hudson's in good hands."

"What does that mean? And why are talking in cliffhangers? I can't stand that."

"Because I'm a girl and that's what we do. What can I say? We love the drama." She smiled into the phone. "Our friend met a guy. And not just any guy—a cop guy."

"Hudson met a cop?" Jacob paused. "Did he respond to the break in?"

"Yep, and he is H — O — T. I mean, seriously. A total fuckin' heartthrob. Wish I'd gotten to him first. But he only has eyes for our Hudson."

"Damn! I go away for a few weeks and all hell breaks loose."

"Guess that'll teach you not to go away."

"Yeah, I guess." Jacob was quiet for moment. "So, how's Hudson doing? Is she handling everything okay?"

Annie shrugged one shoulder. "Considering. But she's been through tougher times than this."

"That doesn't make me feel any better."

"Look, we both know Hudson's not street smart, but she's a hell of a lot stronger than you think. She's been through some pretty fucked up shit in her life." Annie dropped her voice to a whisper. "I know things about her that no one else knows. She's not the girl you think she is."

She's broken. But Annie didn't say that out loud. It might sound insane. "She's a fighter. She has to be."

"If you say so," Jacob said slowly. "It's just ... she's so secretive sometimes. Like not even calling to tell me what happened."

"She probably didn't want to worry you, is all. Just pretend like you don't even know."

"Maybe." Another moment of silence stretched between them. "Do you think I should come home?"

"No. Absolutely not." She shook her head. "I've got this covered. And that cop is looking out for her, too. Don't you worry about a thing. I just thought you should know."

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