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Warning: There is mature content included in this chapter.

Chapter 30

Myles paced outside of Trauma Room #3 as medical professions whizzed back and forth. He glanced at the clock on his cell for what felt like the hundredth time, his heart a fury of thump, thump, thumps. Every muscle and tendon in his body fought for self-control. He wanted to hurt someone, to rip them apart piece by piece. At this point, it didn't matter who. 

How much longer would the doctor be in there? It was going on two hours now. Did it really take that long to perform an exam and collect DNA? How much poking and prodding did they have to do? He leaned against a gurney and dropped his head into his hands.

"Excuse me, Officer?"

Myles looked up to a white-haired doctor walking toward him. He took two long strides and met him half way.

"How is she?"

The doctor thrust his hands into the deep pockets of his lab coat. "There's evidence of a sexual assault. We found vaginal tearing and traces of semen."

His shoulders slumped forward. That was the last thing he wanted to hear. Running a hand through his hair, Myles let out a long breath, the gnawing feeling in the pit of his stomach intensifying. His gaze fell to the white-tiled floor.

"I take it you know this woman personally?"

His eyes met the doctor's. "I do."

"I'm sorry." The older man gave him a sad smile. "I know this can't be easy."

The image of Hudson lying bruised and bloody in the fog-choked alley, broken and unrecognizable, flashed before him. "It's a lot easier than what she's been through. And all the hell she still has coming."

The doctor nodded. "I'm afraid you're right. The poor kid ..." He looked away.

Wetness stung along the rims of his eyes, but he held back the tears. It wasn't fair. After everything Hudson had experienced in life, this wasn't fair. This unthinkable act should have never happened. "So, what now?"

"Well," the man said, sucking in a deep breath, "she'll be admitted for her injuries. Ms Caldwell's still in and out of consciousness, so it's difficult to determine the extent of head trauma. I imagine she has a concussion, at the very least. Her pupils react accordingly to light, but we need to check her mental awareness once she wakes up."

"And what about—everything else?"

The doctor cleared his throat before answering. "The DNA from the rape kit will be entered into a national database that helps track serial offenders. All we can do is wait for a match, assuming there is one, and go from there."

Myles already knew that. He'd learned all about ugly crimes like this at the police academy. But going through the experience first hand was so much different than learning about it in a classroom. Going through it for real sliced into his heart.

He couldn't imagine the state Hudson would be in when she woke up. The horror and utter fear that would slap her in the face as soon as she opened her eyes. "Will she have psychological care while she's here?"

"Absolutely. Ms Caldwell's mental well-being is just as important to us as her physical health. We'll make sure she has everything she needs, both here and upon discharge."

"Can I see her? Is she conscious?"

The older man shook his head. "When I left her she was not. The nurses are still cleaning her up and stitching the deeper cuts. I would wait if I were you. Give her some privacy. They'll be transferring her to Intensive Care shortly. You can see her then."

Myles nodded and stared absentmindedly at a microscopic spot on the pocket of the doctor's white coat. Was it blood? Hudson's blood? He closed his eyes as his stomach made a slow, tortuous turn.

What the fuck had she been doing out so early in the morning? What had been so damn important that she'd left the apartment by herself? And where the hell was Jacob? Her friend. Some watch-guard he turned out to be. Who in their right mind would let Hudson wander the dark streets alone? Especially when there was a madman on the loose? Isn't that why he came home? To help keep her safe, for Christ's sake? Where was he now? Where was Annie?

Myles fists clenched at his sides. "Thank you, doctor. I appreciate all of your help."

"You're welcome. Does she have family we can contact for you?"

"No." Myles shook his head. "She doesn't have anyone other than a couple of—friends." He let out a ragged breath, the anger raging inside him once more.

"I'm sorry to hear that." The doctor cupped his hand to Myles' shoulder. "We'll do everything we can for her."

All he could do was nod in response.

Once the doctor walked away Myles collapsed into a nearby chair, suddenly drained. Lack of sleep and the weight of everything that had happened finally catching up with him. He couldn't stop his thoughts from drifting back to Hudson in the alley, to the crowd of nosy onlookers surrounding her. Like she was a novelty. Watching and staring like she was some sort of circus attraction. Their eyes alive with curiosity, their mouths gossipy as they stood over her crumpled body.

What the hell was wrong with people? Didn't they have morals or common sense? What if it had been someone they loved lying there broken? In the dark, all by herself, for who knew how long. Would they have pulled out their cell phones then? Texting and snapping pictures of the poor, defenseless young woman during what had to be one of the most horrific moments of her life?

God, what she'd been through. What that monster had done! How terrified she must have felt as he'd had his way with her. Hurting her ... violating her. Taking something that didn't belong to him. How would Hudson recover from such an act of violence? Would she even be able to?

He hoped she wouldn't push him away. Myles wanted to be there for her, he wanted to help her through this. No way could she do it all on her own. And if he had his way, she wouldn't. He wouldn't push her, or force her to do anything she wasn't comfortable with. He just wanted to be there, supporting her, taking care of her—if she'd let him.

A sudden vibration erupted from the top pocket of his uniform. Myles pulled out his cell and stared at the screen. Frank. Maybe his partner had some news? Maybe he'd found Professor Nick Lockhart?

"Frank?" His voice sounded strained in his ears. "Did you find the son of a bitch?"

"Cops are looking for him now. They stopped by his house but he wasn't home." His partner sighed on the other end of the phone. "Apparently, he and his wife had a fight last night and she doesn't know where he is. Probably at some hotel."

"Can we trace his credit card?"

"We've tried, but there's been no activity. His wife said he never uses a credit card. Only carries cash. We're hoping he shows up for work this morning. Our guys are there waiting, and they'll bring him in. We're also trying to get a hold of the owner of the pharmacy whose back door faces the alley. Looks like there's a surveillance camera set up. It might be a long shot, but maybe it will show some of the attack. In the meantime, you and I are going to stop by Hudson's apartment and see if we can't talk to her friends." Frank paused, the tension building between them. "How is she?" he finally asked.

Myles heart plunged to his stomach. "She's still unconscious. But they used a rape kit, and there's evidence of sexual assault." Hearing it had been bad enough, but saying the words out loud made him sick. Beads of sweat collected across his forehead. "I don't know what to do," he admitted. "I need to make this better. Some how, some way. I need to fix everything so she might some day feel safe ..." His voice trailed off, unable to express the sheer need burning inside of him.

There had to be a way for him to make this right. To make Hudson's life as easy as possible. He'd never be able to undo the attack, to take away the memories or the pain and suffering she'd been through, but he sure as hell could make it so it never happened again.

"We'll do everything we can for her, Myles. You know that. Hudson's safety is our top priority." Frank let out a breath. "I'm on my way to get you. Make sure you're ready."

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