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Chapter 17

On Friday evening, Hudson waited near the front door of her building, nervously spinning the bracelet on her left wrist. Around and around and around, until finally the twist of friction irritated her skin. 

She liked Myles. She really liked him. Just the mere thought sent shivers up her arms. It wasn't because he was attractive, or smart, or charming—of course, those traits certainly helped. But he was a good person. She could tell. He wouldn't be putting his life at risk to protect the people of Chicago everyday if he wasn't. And she sensed he chose his line of work not because of the ego boost, but because he truly wanted to help others. He wanted to help her. He'd already gone out of his way to do so.

And now here she was, preparing for their date. A double date, no less. With Myles' partner and his wife. A chill shot through her body. Frank hadn't been pleased after he found out their luncheon. Why would he all of a sudden be okay with the idea of them spending time together? She hated the thought of setting Myles up for trouble.

Given all that, she'd really been looking forward to the evening, even if they wouldn't be spending it alone. She'd been thinking about dinner ever since Myles asked. Even her near-panic attack on the street the other day hadn't deviated her excitement. Speaking of which, she should probably tell him about what happened. Not that anything had actually happened, except for finally getting a look at him. Or possibly him. She couldn't be sure. But her gut told her it wasn't just a coincidence. She should have never gone out on her own.

Her heart raced as she watched Myles approach. Hands buried in denim pockets and a navy Polo short sleeve with a white T-shirt peeking through the open buttons. The familiar tuft of brown hair skimming his eyebrow made her want to reach out and brush it  from his face.

Their gazes collided and a smile lit up his face. He opened the glass door and stepped inside the building. "Hey," he said, planting a kiss on her cheek. "You look amazing."

"Thank you." Feeling the warmth of color invade her cheeks, Hudson looked away, pleased she'd settled on her favorite red, racer-back dress. Flirty in back, but modest up front. Just the right amount of sexy without being too obvious. If Annie had seen her before she'd left for work, she would've been proud. "You look nice, too," she said, feeling suddenly shy.

Myles held the door open and they stepped out onto the sidewalk. Plumes of gray clouds hung low in the sky and the breeze was just shy of gusty. Hudson stopped short. "I'm sorry, do you mind of I run upstairs to grab a sweater?" she asked, rubbing her hands over the sudden rush of goosebumps on her arms. "It's windier than I thought it would be."

"Sure, I'll wait for you right here."

Hudson flashed him a smile and dashed back to her apartment. Grabbing a lightweight cardigan, she slipped her arms in the sleeves. From the corner of her eye, she glanced at the open window and paused. Outside looked like rain. It would be a pity to close up the apartment. Nothing felt as soothing as the smell of a downpour, or the sound of the drops as they struck the side of the building. A clap of thunder or a strike of lightening were like the cherries on top. A good rainy day always beat out a sunny one. Often times, she would just lie in bed and take it all in.

Tapping her fingertips lightly against the side of her leg, Hudson's eyes swept over the shadows invading her living room. Darkness spread over the enormous walls and across the purple suede furniture. It moved atop the painting of lilies sitting in the easel. The blackness threatened to cover her, too. Was that sweat on her palm? She shook her head, wiping her hand down the side of her dress. Myles was waiting downstairs. She needed to go.

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