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Trigger Warning: This chapter contains themes of mental illness and abuse.

Chapter 35

Myles sat in the passenger seat with his elbow propped against the window ledge and his head slumped in his hand. From the corner of his eye, Frank threw occasional glances in his direction, but had been thoughtful enough not to make useless conversation. The onslaught of information had been too much to take in, and his brain fought now to separate fact from fiction.

Part of him wanted to turn around and go home; forget any of this had ever happened. And the other part wanted to be there for Hudson, holding her hand. Helping her through this nightmare. The feelings he had for her were real. And no matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't just turn them off.

An image of her from the morning flashed before his eyes. As terrified as he was getting involved in something he didn't understand, he couldn't turn his back on her. He wouldn't do that. Some facts hadn't changed. Someone had still attacked her and left her in a dark alley. And he had a sinking feeling Hudson might need him now more than ever.

Frank pulled into a parking space then drained the last of his cup of coffee. They crossed the parking lot and entered the hospital in silence.

"The doctor said they were planning to transfer her to ICU before I left," Myles mentioned once they were inside. "I'm sure she's there by now."

Frank nodded and pressed the button to the elevator. "I have her room number. I called to check on her before we left."

"You did?" Myles look at him, surprised. "Is she awake?"

Frank nodded again. "She's awake. But there's something you should know." He paused. "The doctor said she's belligerent. She's already pulled out two IV's. She's been yelling and cussing at everyone. She even punched a doctor and tried to bite a nurse. They have her restrained at the moment, so she doesn't hurt herself or anyone else."

Restrained? His forehead creased with confusion. "That doesn't sound like Hudson. Do you think it's—"

"Annie?" Frank asked, interrupting him. "I think it might be. Are you ready to meet her?"

A sudden chill raced up his spine. He didn't know. Would he be able to confront another being inside of Hudson's body? Would he be able to look her in the eye and listen to someone else's words coming from her mouth? What would Annie say to him? Would she even know who he was?

Myles sucked in a breath. "This is too much," he confided, pushing a shaky hand through his mess of hair. "I don't know if I can do it. I need more time."

His partner placed a hand on his shoulder. "Would you rather wait in the hall?" he asked. "I can go in and talk to her on my own."

Shaking his head, Myles exhaled. "I don't know."

When they reached the fifth floor, perspiration dotted his forehead and a plunging sensation rolled through his gut. His hands continued to shake so he stuffed them into the pockets of his pants while Frank spoke with the doctor. Myles forced himself to listen through the thick haze in his head. It was obvious from what they were saying that they'd spoken before.

"We spoke her brother and reviewed the medical records from what her therapist's office sent. We've confirmed the diagnosis," the Intensive Care doctor said. He was young, mid-thirties, and of Middle Eastern decent. His words were tinged with an accent, yet calm and reassuring. As if this were the type of situation he encountered every day. "I was even able to get a hold of Dr. Beldini. She feels horrible about what's happened. She's having a cousin stay with her parents for a few days so she can come back to see Ms Caldwell."

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