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Chapter 23

 As soon as the words left her mouth, Hudson knew they sounded forward, but when they'd slipped out, she hadn't had a chance to stop them. Just like when it happened a few nights before.

What had gotten into her? She supposed she'd had Annie to thank for that. Either her friend was somehow sending subliminal messages to her brain, or she'd been around her long enough that her uninhibited behavior was starting to rub off. Neither theory sounded particular appealing. Not acting like Annie had never been a problem before. But this time, she craved to borrow a bit of her friend's courage.

Myles had a way of bringing things out in her she'd never experienced before. She couldn't deny it—the feelings were nice. At twenty-three years old, she was plenty old enough to make decisions about sex, and whether or not she should take her relationship with Myles to the next level. True, they hadn't known each other for very long, but sleeping with him would be more than just a one-night stand. She liked Myles. She really liked him. And it was obvious that he liked her, too. She'd felt his body respond when she wrapped her arms around his neck. It was human nature. There was nothing wrong with her wanting more.

The entire walk home had been a challenge; she'd had difficulty keeping her hands to herself. Before they'd left the gallery, she'd kissed him. A long, slow, lingering kiss. A kiss that made her weak in the knees. There was no doubt she'd taken him by surprise, and it was clear he wanted her as much as she wanted him. The hunger in his eyes and his quickened breath gave him away.

She paid no mind to the people scurrying along the sidewalk, or the stares they'd received when she pressed her body to his. When they finally made it home, inside the quiet of her apartment, Myles pressed her against the closed door, pinning her wrists above her head. This time he kissed her. He kissed her until her lips felt swollen and bruised. First her mouth, then down the curve of her neck, taking his time as he made his way lower ... lower ... toward the scooped neckline of her dress.

An unfamiliar sensation settled in the center of her chest. Not a bad feeling, but one she didn't recognize. It didn't take long to determine what is was. Desire. And the realization took her breath away. His touch made her feel increasingly unsteady and before she knew it, Hudson could barely hold herself up. It was torture. Blissful, mind-blowing torture. She let herself collapse into his arms.

"I want you, Myles," she pleaded. "And don't tell me no. Not again." Her heart thundered in her ears, she could barely hear her own voice. It was just as well. She couldn't believe the things coming from her mouth. The words sounded foreign, yet strikingly familiar. As if she'd said them before; in another place and another time. But that was crazy.

Or was it ...?

Stop it! She pushed the thoughts from her head, but they circled around and around, causing her dizziness to grow. "I want you," she repeated, desperation filling her voice, filling her head, filling her body.

"Hudson ..." Myles suppressed a groan, then leaned back to look at her. "I want you, too." His voice was thick and husky, yet his eyes were conflicted. Lips pressed into a slight grimace, he tilted his chin.

He can't turn me down! Not again.

"You say you want me," she murmured, her brows pulling together, "but do you mean it?"

He paused, and it was the longest, most excruciating moment of her life.

"I mean it. Oh God, do I mean it. I've wanted you since the first day we met. But—" His eyes searched hers before continuing. "I need to make sure you're okay. I need to know you won't regret anything later."

Hudson's hands gripped his forearms, her fingers tapping lightly against the material of his shirt. "I just said I wanted you. What more do I have to do?" She moved closer, so close she could feel the muscles of his stomach move underneath his clothes. "Let me prove it to you, Myles. I want to prove it."

With great effort, Myles pushed her away, a voice in his head screaming for him to slow down

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With great effort, Myles pushed her away, a voice in his head screaming for him to slow down. He didn't want to, but he needed to. Not for his sake but for hers. "Have you—ever been with anyone before?"

The question caught her off guard. Her head snapped back in surprise. "Does it matter?"

Was she serious? Of course, it mattered! There'd been a time, not very long ago, that he would have sworn she hadn't. But he'd seen a new side of Hudson recently. A very different side than the one she normally shared. This new side was aggressive and unapologetic. He didn't know what to think.

He nodded. "It matters to me."

Hudson's face softened and she parted her lips. "I'm a virgin," she said in an emotion-choked voice. "Does that make you feel differently toward me?"

"No." Myles let out a long breath and pressed his forehead to hers. He brought his hand to her cheek and closed his eyes, the scent of lavender shampoo filling his lungs. "It doesn't change how I feel about you."

She still looked unsure. "You still want me?"

"Of course, I want you. That's never going to change. I just think we should take our time, we don't have to rush. I don't want to scare you." He paused, wanting his words to sink in. His thumb feathered across her cheek. "And I want you to know that you can change your mind anytime. Don't feel pressured, or like we've gone so far that it's too late to stop. We can always stop. If you want to ..."

Hudson reached up and cupped her hands to his face, her expression earnest. "I don't want to stop." She gave him an encouraging smile. "I want to be with you. I guess I'm just— overeager," she said, a blush working its way across her cheeks and down her chest. "I've never felt this way before."

He brushed a lock of hair from her face, giving his breath another moment to simmer. "I've never felt this way either. Not this quickly. I just—" he sighed, "I don't want to mess it up."

Hudson shook her head. "You won't mess it up. I know you won't. It'll be perfect."

How he wished he had her confidence! Knowing she'd never been with anyone before put tons of extra pressure on him. And he'd never slept with a virgin. There were so many things to worry about, so many thoughts racing through his head.

"How about this," he began, trying to set the mood. "Let's start over again. Taking it nice ..." Very gently he kissed her, tugging her bottom lip with his teeth, "... and ..." he trailed along her chin to her ear, letting the warmth of his breath move over her, "... slow."

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