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Chapter 11

"Oh my God, you like him. You totally like him!" Annie let out a screech and plopped onto the couch. "You want to have his babies, don't you?" Wearing nothing more than black panties and an Art Institute T-shirt barely covering her butt cheeks, Annie stretched her long legs onto the couch, propping her bare feet on Hudson's pink flannel-covered lap. 

"I do not," Hudson insisted. Grabbing a piece of popcorn from the bowl, she flung it at her friend's face but it came up short. Annie picked up the kernel and popped it into her mouth. "Well, I don't want to have his babies, anyway. Not until I get to know him better." She flashed Annie a smile.

"I knew it—you do like him! This is the first time you've actually been into a guy, you know that?" Annie grabbed a fistful of popcorn. Her fingers glistened from the butter. "Must be the uniform, huh?"

Hudson shook her head. "He wasn't wearing his uniform when I saw him."

Annie's blue eyes brightened. "Oh, no? What was he wearing?" She hugged her knees to her chest and wiggled her brows. "Inquiring minds want to know."

Hudson giggled and tossed a few kernels into her mouth. "I don't know. Whatever guy's normally wear. Blue jeans, I guess." She shrugged and tried to hide her smile. "And a black T-shirt that clung to his chest, emphasizing every muscle in his well-developed torso."

Annie threw her head back and let out a peel of laughter. "Holy shit. Please tell me you took a pic. I would love to see that."

"Yeah, right. I could barely stop drooling long enough to eat my egg rolls, let alone manage a camera." Hudson brought her legs up and tucked them beneath her on the couch. "He's so nice, Annie. Like ... unbelievably nice. And he's smart, too. He was the valedictorian at his high school."

"Valedictorian?" Her eyebrows arched, impressed. "So, you guys hit it off then? I mean, if you shared memories from your awkward teenage years then it must be love."

Hudson brushed stray strands of hair away from her face. The anti-inflammatory medication she'd taken after lunch had long since worn-off. Now her eye throbbed underneath the enormous bruise, which appeared much darker after she'd washed off her makeup. Thank goodness Annie had taught her some tricks on how to cover it. Her handiwork had really done the job. Even she had barely been able to see the discoloration after the foundation had been in place.

"Not love." Hudson bit her lip. "But I feel like we did hit it off. He told me to call him if I needed anything."

Annie smirked. "Like a booty call?"

"No, not a booty call!" Hudson rolled her eyes. "Only the guys you'd hook up with would say something like that. Myles is a gentleman."

"Myles is a gentleman," Annie mocked, twisting her face in exaggeration. "There's nothing wrong with the occasional request for random sex. And I have a feeling that sex with the hunky cop would be something you'd not soon forget."

Hudson's phone buzzed on the table next to her. She glanced at the screen and turned it over face-down.

"Is that lover-boy now? I can leave the room if you need a minute to sext or exchange nudes."

"Would you stop?" Hudson groaned. "I swear, how old are you again? You act like a horny thirteen-year-old boy."

"Please." Annie let out a snort. "I had more sex by the time I turned thirteen then most dudes have in their entire pathetic lives." Annie stuck her index finger into her mouth and seductively sucked off the salt and butter.

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