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Chapter 6

Hudson kept her eyes glued to the floor, half-aware of the conversation taking place around her. The back of her head pulsated, as if counting down the seconds to detonation. The older officer handed her a moistened rag and she touched it to the cut above her eye. The stickiness dried against her skin and hair, matting the strands together like dreadlocks.

She took a peek at the cops. The younger of the two had a kind face and gentle voice, while the man he called "Frank" was all business. Frank bombarded her with questions, barely giving her enough time to gather her thoughts.

"Ma'am, can you tell us what happened?" she heard Frank ask again. She struggled to answer, but for some reason the words refused to leave her mouth.

When the warmth of a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, the shivers vibrating through her body began to cease. Through long, black lashes, she could make out the younger cop studying her. A tuft of light brown hair grazed his baby-blue eyes.

The younger cop tucked the heather-gray throw into place. "Frank," he murmured, "I think she's in shock. Let's just give her a few minutes, okay?"

The muscle in Frank's jaw flexed as he swept a hand over his closely-cropped black curls. "Meanwhile, the suspect gets away ..." He dropped his chin to the side and barked the words "Code 4" into a small mic clipped to his shirt.

"I'm going to sit next to you. Is that all right?" the young officer asked. Judging from the creases around the corner of his eyes when he smiled, he looked to be a few years older than her.

The cushion dipped beneath his weight. Hudson shifted away, refusing to make eye contact. "My name is Officer Myles Young. I introduced myself when you first came to in the bathroom, but I doubt you remember much." He paused, then cleared his throat. "That's some gash you have. Face wounds tend to bleed a lot, so don't be too freaked out by all the blood. Once it's healed, you'll never even know a cut had been there at all. The paramedics will be here soon to look you over, just to be safe."

Hudson's eyes shot open with alarm. Did they really need to call the paramedics? She didn't want to see any more people than absolutely necessary.

Myles noticed her discomfort and smiled. "I'm sorry, it's protocol. But don't worry, you're gonna be fine."

For a few moments, they sat in silence. From the corner of her eye, Hudson watched Myles smooth nonexistent wrinkles from his pants. He smelled like soap and fresh air with the faintest hint of aftershave. The combination felt oddly calming. Frank paced back and forth in front of them, glancing in her direction every other breath. Several minutes passed before two uniformed officers walked through the kicked-in front door. Frank filled them in on what little information he had to go off of. When he looked back at her again, his lingering expression was a mixture of mild concern and annoyance.

"Hey, don't let him get to you," Myles said, breaking the silence. He nodded his head toward his partner. "He's been doing this for a long time and hates to deviate from his routine—which basically consists of gorging himself on junk food." He chuckled under his breath. "You talk when you're ready to talk, and we'll be here to listen. Can I get you a glass of water?"

Hudson shook her head, taking in his entire appearance for the first time. Classically handsome features sitting atop broad shoulders. A straight nose, full lips, and a strong jawline. There was a seriousness in his manner; an air of hidden knowledge and patience. She felt comforted having him there.

"If you don't mind, I'm gonna check out your bedroom. Start looking for clues to help determine what happened here." Myles stood from the couch and looked down at her, his voice soft. "You let me know when you're ready to talk, okay?" He turned and walked away, glancing over his shoulder before disappearing inside her room.

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