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I crept out of the house and slid down a drainage pipe on the side of the building. I know I'm the only one who lives here so I don't have to be extraordinarily cautious. I jumped onto the ground and ignored the pain in my torso that screamed at me to take the night off.

I climbed up on top of another building once I found the one I normally start off my patrol on and started leaping from that one to the next and then the next. My body begged for me to stop, to just go home and rest, but I (being the amazing listener I am) ignored it once again.

Stopping on one of the taller buildings, I listened. It was unusually quiet tonight. I hadn't heard a peep on patrol at all. Maybe I was just being useless, an annoyance, nothing more than a bug that got on your nerves. Pushing those feelings away, I let my Vigilante mask fall back into place and felt the pseudo - confidence fill my limbs.

It was a minute more, but I eventually heard a scream echo through the streets and didn't hesitate to run towards it. I bounded across the roofs until I reached the source. Another mugger. One of the more common crimes. I was about to jump down when I heard what the man trying to rob the girl who had screamed said.

He was pointing a gun at her while he begged for money, crying as he said he needed it for his wife's medication. I felt bad for the guy but I also knew he was still trying to rob this girl. He was dangerous.

"Please, I don't want to hurt you!" he yelled, making me hesitate slightly. "I need it more then you do, please.." his voice trailed out as he begged again. I could feel the anger wash over me. Society was so messed up that a man had to turn to this, this criminal behavior to save someone he loved. But he was still the one I had to stop.

I jumped from the roof where I had been perched moments before, landing in front of him and knocking the gun out of his hands. He seemed startled and backed away into a wall before sliding down it and beginning to cry. I walked over to the woman and helped her up, but as soon as I did she cowered away from me. I couldn't help but feel a little hurt by that, and it must have shown in my eyes as when I turned away, she grabbed my shoulder and apologized.

"I-I'm sorry, It's j-just I was still scared an-and I was freaked out and I couldn't help but think you were..." she trailed off but I knew what she had meant. She thought I was another criminal. Another person who was going to hurt her. I turned back away and began to walk over to the man who was still crying and leaning against the wall. I delivered a swift chop to his neck, efficiently knocking him out.

I turned back to the woman and looked her over for wounds. When I saw that she had a small cut on her head, I grabbed bandages from a pocket in my utility belt and gently and quickly patched up her wound, moving her long black hair out of the way to do so.

She seemed stunned that I still tended to her after the little slip up in her words, but eventually she said "Momo Yaoyorozu."

"Hmm?" I asked without actually saying anything.

"My name"


"I'm sorry for assuming..."

"It's fine" I replied. "It's only human nature to assume the worst in people."

She seemed to think for a second before pulling out a bit of Yen. (A few hundred US dollars)

"Here, I know vigilantes don't get paid, you could only be around my age so there's no way you're a licensed hero."

"Thank you but I can't take this.." I responded, lowering my voice to make myself seem older.

"Nope. You take it."

After her final response, she turned and sprinted away, leaving me alone with the would be mugger in the alleyway. Ya'know, he never actually went through with it... And he just needed the money for his wife... And now I have money... I'm not more important than this guy.

I approached the unconscious figure and tapped his face slightly. "Mhm" he groaned. "Hey, wake up" I said, tapping him again. He slowly focused on my face and seemed to remember what had happened as he started to cry slightly once again.

"Please, take me to jail if you have to, but just help her..." he begged in a voice just barely above a whisper.

"No" I said. "You're going to help her."

I handed him the money I had just received, saying goodbye to any chance I had at a decent meal, or real clothes. He stood silently and encased me in a hug, as he wept into my shoulder. I smiled under my mask and waited a second before pushing him away.

"Your welcome, now go, go to your wife."

He smiled at me once again and slowly excited the alley.

Okay, I know this is a lot shorter than the other one, but I wrote it out of a spur of the moment decision. (plus I posted the first part only 3 hours ago) I was bored and so yes. So Guys, Gals, and fellow Croc wearers, I hope you have a great day/night and enjoy this horribly plotted story. 

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