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Good day Kidds!

Yes, I think that's relatively good.

I might still say children sometimes, but now I have a real name to call you guys by.

*triumphant smile*

I'm glad you guys are enjoying the story, so I decided to not put off writing this chapter for a week.

The paragraph above was written about a week ago. I had written about two hundred and fifty words, then lost all inspiration. I am now just going to try and power through a chapter, while blasting some Alternative/Rock music so I don't die of boredom. Thank you for reading.


Riku eventually got close enough to touch me, so he reached out his hand, while I was waiting for the impact from a hit, he was still just holding out his hand to me.

What was he doing?

I must have said this aloud, as he seemed to grow a concerned face and replied.

"Helping you stand. What else would I be doing?"

He let out a nervous chuckle.

"Huh? No, if you're going to hit me, just do it."


"I- why would I hit you?"

The worry in his voice was so audible that it confused me.

"Why wouldn't you? You have me locked in a house in an unknown location, know my face, and have me backed up into a corner. I'm completely at your mercy, so why wouldn't you?"

"Because good people don't hit other people for no reason. Are you okay?"

"Yea, no, I'm fine."

I was still huddled in the corner, but I had relaxed slightly, knowing he wasn't going to be making a move to hurt me.

His arm was still reaching out, but I didn't take it. I stayed in my little ball, still not quite comfortable with my unfamiliar surroundings

After a minute, I finally gave in and grabbed his hand, which was still reaching out.

I mean, just how persistent was this guy?

Riku pulled me up and while I still stood a few feet from him, and had a cautious glare plastered on my face, I was still standing by them, so Riku seemed to feel like he'd accomplished something with me.

I honestly didn't know what I was supposed to do, but just standing here glaring at them was a little bit awkward, especially after they had just witnessed me having a mental breakdown.

There was an uncomfortable silence that lasted for a good two minutes, which was finally broken by the other guy, Rei(?) I think his name was.

"So.... we should probably introduce ourselves to make this a bit less... weird." He chuckled, clearly a bit uncomfortable in our current situation.

"Good idea" Riku laughed in response.

They got a small nod of agreement from me.

"Well, I'm Riku Alpin. I'm seventeen, and my quirk is what healed you. I can place my hand over any wound and it'll heal, but it'll take the energy from the person being healed in order to do so."

I nodded in acknowledgement, turning to face the other guy as a sign to continue with the introductions.

"Oh, right. Heh... I'm Rai Oliver, but you can call me Ollie! Anyways, my quirk is manipulation of physical objects! Basically, I can move things through the air, similarly to telekinesis, but I can also control more than just objects, as in, I can contort water, air, fire, anything material, and just anything in general. I'm also seventeen, and I've known Ri since I was just a kid. We grew up together and we took martial arts classes together, and now we're going to the same school. He's in the general department, while I'm in the support course."

Holy tree bark, this one talks a lot.

I nodded in acknowledgement once again, and now, the two were looking at me expectantly.

"I'm Grey. I'm thirteen."

The two boys sweat dropped.

Fair enough, they probably already knew the first part, I wonder why they are so calm about my age-

"Wait, you're only thirteen?!" They spoke at the exact same time, well, they didn't really speak, as much as they yelled, but same difference.

"Yea. Can I leave now?"

"Yea, I guess. We can't really keep you here." Alpin spoke up, seemingly still stunned by my prior statement in regards to my age.


I walked over to the couch and grabbed my vigilante things, which were laid out on the end table next to the couch.

I threw on my gear and took off towards the window.

I turned around and caught the eye of Alpin.


He understood and grabbed the key to the locked window off the counter in their kitchen, tossing it to me. I caught it and unlocked the window in one fluid motion, then proceeded to try to toss it back, but before I could, Alpin spoke up.

"Keep it."

"Uh... thanks, I guess?"

"If you ever need anything, feel free to ask for help." - Alpin

I nodded in return and jumped out the window, landing silently on the fire escape below.

It was still early enough for the sky to be dark, so I used the cover to make my way back to the old bar.

I knew I felt like something was different, like I was in less pain, then I realized.

Did that guy heal my broken ribs?!

Sorry, it's pretty short, but at least it's an update.

I had no inspiration for this chapter, so it might sound a little bit dry, but I think I did pretty well after not even wanting to get up out of bed today.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and hopefully I'll get my inspiration back for writing.

Have a great day/night/afternoon/midnight/midday/whatever time it is for you.

If it's midnight, you should probably take this as a sign to go to sleep.

If you haven't eaten today, have a snack.

Just take care of yourself in general, anyways, bye.

(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

{1003 words}

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