Help on the way

544 25 15

Sonics POV

I don't know where I am... the place I'm in is too dark... I tried to call for Shadow but I can't sense him anywhere... not even a heart beat...

I hear a voice on the other side of a wall... I couldn't really hear something was blocking my ears.

"Hello?" I called to the voice. Silence. With little hearing I had I heard a squeaking sound then a light shined. It was bright for me so my eyes squinted a little bit but I could see a figure in front of me it looked like... Shadow!

"Shadow?" I said excitedly trying to get to him but... something was off. "Are you o-" I got cut off as the figure grabbed me by my neck and squeezed. Struggling for both air and freedom I could see the figure clearly now.

The strangers colors was paler than Shadows his eyes were a light emerald green like snake eyes. He also had his mouth covered with a dark colored cloth I couldn't see his face completely. 

"Don't talk blue boy." he said growling staring at me. I shook staying quiet too scared to even oppose. "Shadow will be here soon with that money." he said chuckling. "Lets see how much he cares about his darling friend." 

He left the room leaving me in the dark again. All I can hear is my own whimpering hoping Shadow will come and get me. 

Shadow's POV

"Rouge are you in position?" 

"Yes, our side is ready to be back up." 

"Good I may need it after what me and Tails will do."

"alright Hun just be careful."

"I will." I put my phone in my back pocket holding the money bag in hand sighing looking at Tails. "Ready to save Sonic?" I asked as he meowed confidently. "Alright then lets do this." 

I put Tails in my hoodie that I decided to ware especially if its almost winter and I'm doing this at night which is the coldest. Maybe Sonic is cold he doesn't have his fur coat from when he was a pup. He must me cold where ever he is.

Before going to the required area I put Tails down with a small recorder camera on his collar. "Go ahead and stay hidden I don't want you being hurt." Tails nodded understanding me running off. At this point I'm starting to get used to animals understanding me. Maybe I'm a Disney princess who knows. 

I held the duffle bag with me over my shoulder looking around. "Hey!" I called out angry. "I have your money now give me back my friend!"

It was silent.

"Come out here!" I got more annoyed as i started to growl then I heard a chuckle. 

"Seems like you did come after all." it said but I don't know where it was coming from. "You do really care about the Blue Boy."

"Give him back to me now!" I growled again looking around. "I have your money right here!" I held up the bag to show my proof. 

"Are you alone?" the figure asked.

"yes I am I want him safe so I came here alone."

"Smart man Shadow." 

How did this figure know my name? I don't know anyone else beside Rouge and my coworkers at my job. 

Before even asking the my question the person walked towards me with a hoodie and a mask on. I couldn't see his face but all I could see was his eyes which looked like emerald snake eyes.

"Hand the money over Shadow." 

"Where is my friend?"

"Nearby, now give me the money."

"No, bring him here and then I'll give you the money."

"Do you not trust me Shadow." he chuckled staring at me.

I growled once again glaring at him. "How can I if I don't even know you!"

"You don't remember an old friend?" 

"Old friend? What are you talking about?"

The figure took his hoodie off showing he looked like me but darker and his stripped quills were a grey color, but he still had his mask on. I knew that looked familiar 

"Don't I look familiar to you now Shadow?" 

"Enough of your tricks where is he?!" I was getting more annoyed at this guy. I just want Sonic home.

"Come on Shadow you usually would like my guessing games." 

I growled wanting so bad to attack him then I heard hissing. I knew what kind it was I was about to throw the bad but a big yellow figure had tackled the other guy yelling. 

"UGH! Get him off of me!!" The guy yelled actually struggling to get him off

"Give me back my Brother!!" the yellow one yelled which sounded so young. Now it's funny he was losing to a child.

"I won't get him off unless you tell me where he is." I said not like I'm gonna do it.

"He's in a storage building here in the park! Now get him off!!"

I thought about it then smiled holding my phone. "Nah I don't think so." I took a picture then called Rouge to my location with the back up. While she went to the yellow fox and the guy I went to the building he was talking about in a hurry to get Sonic home.

Just getting near I could hear whimpering. "Sonic!" I called so he knows I'm here.

Sonic's POV

I whimpered scared. I don't know how long I was in this area. I was about to lose hope, until I heard a voice I really wanted to hear. "Sonic!" I knew that was Shadow. I gasped then called out to Shadow. "Shadow! I'm here!" 

Once I called out I heard the door in front of me open showing light and I knew the figure in the door way is actually Shadow, because this one ran to me immediately taking the ropes off and hugged me repeatedly saying "I'm sorry".

I hugged back smiling. "It's okay Shadow. I'm alright." I said calmly even when I was captured I wanted to calm down Shadow he needs it.

"Let's get you back home with Tails."

"Wait Tails is here?"

"Yeah he's hidden in the bushes."

I nodded getting up holding Shadows hand then saw someone else at the entrance.

"Hello boys." A feminine voice said which was of course Rouge then I saw a small yellow fox next to her hidden behind the door. 

I walked forward. "Who is that?"

Rouge smiles. "Seems like your not the only one with that gift."

The yellow fox walked forward he had two tails. Wait.

"Tails? Little buddy?" I asked. He nodded holding the small collar that Shadow gave him which had a camera on it. "Why is there a camera on his collar?" I asked looking at Shadow with a bit of a stern look.

Shadow cleared his throat. "I'll explain at home but for now we need to talk about how Tails became a Mobian and how he nearly knocked out a kidnapper by beating him up." 

I looked at Tails smiling. "Did you really?"

He nodded again. "I just wanted my brother back." 

That made my heart melt. "Aww Tails." I hugged him gently.

Shadow walked to us. "Lets get back home alright?"

Both me and Tails nodded as I picked up Tails, because he was like a toddler he was easy to hold. "Lets go home I wanna get out of this place." 

Sorry all for the long wait for the next chapter I saw so many people really wanted this and I'm glad you all like it I'll try to continue more chapters for you all. Thank you all for liking the story here.

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