The Small Surprise

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Shadows POV
Ugh five hours at work I can't believe this. Thanks to Rouge me and her had to work till twelve o'clock. I just need to go home and lay down. I walked home because I wasn't in the mood to let Rouge fly or drive me home. My house isn't far from the GUN headquarters so I just walked. While on my way to the house I heard a little pup whimper in a alley. I walked to the alley it was cold and damp then I heard it again it was louder than before. I looked at a cardboard box it was shaking. I walk over to it and I see it was closed like it was a present to someone. I looked to see if anybody was around. I opened the box slowly to find a little fur ball. "What in the world is a fur ball in a box." I said to myself. I touched it and it wiggled on its own. I fell back when that happened then I got back up and touched it again. It whimpered. I saw it uncurl to reveal a dark blue baby pup. Why was there a pup in the alley? Also, why is it blue? I have never seen a blue pup before. I gently picked​ it up and searched for a name tag. But its no use the pup had no tag at all. "I wonder why he doesn't have a collar." I wondered and looked at the wolf like pup and it was looking at me. Why was it looking at me? It yipped happily. I was surprised at that it did that. It licked my cheek gently. I never seen a pup do that. I mean every time I was near a animal they always run away from me. The little one snuggles in my chest fur like I was a pillow. It was purring and fell asleep. "Hey hey wake up." I whispered. It kept purring still asleep.
I guess he's mine. I held on to him or her ,I don't know I'm gonna have to find out later, so soon I will take home and maybe take him to a vet appointment to check him. So tomorrow I will because I have no work for a while. Then I went home with the wolf like pup in my arms happy or once.

See you later in the next chapter.

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