Combining Hearts

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Shadow POV

I tried to tell Sonic I have work and he couldn't come with me because it was dangerous for him. He kept asking and asking I said no every time. I walked out of the house closing the door as I couldn't stop thinking about what Sonic did yesterday. He had kissed me on the cheek which got me more confused why he did besides him saying of a relationship of two. I couldn't get it out of my mind. Then I started to imagine me and Sonic actually together. I blushed a light shade of pink as I smacked my head. "Stop thinking of that!!" I yelled but not loud. I looked around to see if anyone didn't hear me. No one did. I sighed and ran to work using the speed I have.

Sonic POV

I heard Shadow leave as I whined. Why did he leave again? What is it so important for him to leave? I get on the couch and sit down with Tails on my stomach. He's healing fast which is good. "Tails I need to find Shadow." Tails looks up at Sonic confused. "You mean leave the protection?" I nodded and I said I wanted to know what Shadow is doing for the past few days. Tails tried to think. "I don't know what if you get lost I mean your not a pup no more you can't sense him..." "No but I know where he is of I believe." I get up and walked to the door holding Tails. "Your coming with me." Tails smiles as he holds onto my shoulder as I smiled while I started running. Shadow I'm gonna find you I wouldn't let you be alone.


Sonic ran everywhere looking for Shadow he tried to smell him but remembered he didn't have the same smells as he was before. He kept going as he felt something in his chest. It felt warm yet cold at the same time. Sonic looked around as he ran out of the town and in the forest. Tails stated to get scared. "Sonic where are we going?!." Sonic didn't answer right away but told him he could feel that Shadow was in the direction he was running. Tails started to get confused of what he ment as he just hang on.

-With Shadow-

Shadow was working in his office desk filling some of the paper work he had to do. He sighed feeling bad for leaving Sonic by himself. He suddenly stopped working as he looked around. "Sonic?..." Shadow walked to the entrance of the HQ as he walked out and looked around looking through the trees.

Shadows POV

I looked around the place I felt something near and far like a shocking dealing in my chest that had set a fire that's is cold slowly getting warmer. I walked in the forest looking around following the feeling to this unknown road. All I saw was nothing but flickies and trees but I kept going my chest getting warmer and warmer almost to boiling hot, then I heard someone yell my name but it was faint. I then felt the feeling get stronger making me turn around getting tackled which was familiar to me. My eyes were closed not wanting to know who it was but then the figure talked. "Hey Shadow!" My eyes widened, my heart beated. "Sonic?"

Sorry for the long wait and the short reading but I shall continue this still see you later and thank you for reading yay I actually can't believe you like this book I'm so happy!

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