Kidnapped Mobian

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Sonic's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night hearing something in the hallway. I didn't know what it was as I left where I was sleeping quietly, not to wake up Shadow not Tails, then went to the door opening the door slightly seeing a dark figure near it. I closed the door thinking I was was still asleep or it might be Shadow waking up. I heard the foot steps getting closer with every step. I got scared then hid under the bed scared. After a little bit the steps stopped at the door. I wanted to scream but I was to scared to and if I did the person would've hurt me. The man opened the door quietly as he walked inside the room looking for someone. I shook trying to calm down but he seemed to hear me shaking as he walks to the bed. I begged for him bit to look under the bed.

-time skip-

Shadow POV

I woke up without a pounce but a whimpering from Tails. "Hu?" I sit up seeing Tails on my lap. "Tails?.." he tried to tell me something but I couldn't understand. Tails just did a little huff then jumps and runs to the door. I get up and followed him to a room where there was ripped and destroyed things. "What the?..." when I looked around examining the room it seemed to be a struggle against something. Tails came to me with a letter with fine cursive on it but I was able to read it.

"If you ever want to see your Hedgehog friend bring a million dollars to the park at three am tonight 'ALONE' no tricks just the cash' ~No Name

I growled getting my phone to call Rouge about this and it's the morning right now so I have time to plan something.

Rouge: Hello Agent Rouge here

Shadow: Rouge Sonic's been kidnapped!

Rouge: what?!

Shadow: yeah whoever it is wants a million dollars for trade...and wants me to deliver it alone..

Rouge: I'll get omega and GUN on the case but do you have a plan to surround him or her?

I started thinking then Tails pawed at my leg which gave me an idea.

Shadow: you know what I think I know what to do hurry to my place with you and Omega just pretend your gonna visit me okay?

Rouge: got it hun we'll be there in twenty minutes

Shadow: we'll be waiting

I hung up and gently picked up Tails "hey can you help me with something to get Sonic back?" Tails meowed determined to get Sonic back which was good. "Alright I have a plane but please dont get mad of what I'll ask of you" Tails tilted his head confused. "Trust me the plan will work okay?" Tails just nodded understanding me. "Good."

-20 minutes later-

I started getting supplies and waited for Rouge which she arrived just in time with Omega outside my house. I walked to the door opening it and made sure no one was watching letting them inside closing the door behind them. Rouge sits down on a chair in the kitchen. "So what's the plan to get Blue back?"

Normal POV

Shadow sits down with the plan written down on a paper hanging it to Rouge. She looked over it then smiles. "This could work." She said looking at him. "It will work even if we fail I'm gonna get Sonic back if it's the last thing I do." He said with determination and worry in his voice. Rouge knew as she showed it to Omega to send to GUN. "Shadow I know your worried but I promise Sonic will be back home safe and when we get him back you two can live with me until everything is calm from this incident okay?" She said with a soft smile. Shadow looked at her nodding. "That'll be great."

Rouge stands up her hands on her hips. "Now about Tails helping here?" "He will be our surveillance cat in a tree near the area but we need to know how close it is to me and this guy." Rouge gets her phone out long at a map of the park. "This guy will most likely be in a hidden part which is enough trees for Tails to blend in with and well have snipers on buildings watching to see if there are weapons this person pulls." "Great." Shadow said holding Tails. Tails looked at them. "You ready Tails?" Tails turned to Shadow nodding. "Alright let's get Sonic back," he looked at Rouge. "can you and Omega get back to HQ to get set up?" She nods walking to the door. "Of course I can." He held her arm making her turn back. "Thank you Rouge." He said smiling. She got a little bit surprised but smiles back. "Anything for a friend." She said with a wink as Shadow let's go letting her leave as Shadow and Tails went to get the money.

"Were coming Sonic."

I'm so sorry it took so long to finish this I had a writers block and couldn't find the works for this but thank you for your patience and support I'll see ya in the next chapter!! Magii Birara Out!!

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