Hide and Seek

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Shadow's POV

I just saw that Sonic wasn't anywhere to be seen at sight, as is he was a memory that faded away from me. I ran to the kitchen looking everywhere. I looked through the cabinets, the closet next to the fridge, under the sink and everywhere I looked he wasn't there, so I checked the bathroom. Nothing. I checked the closets in the guest rooms, and still nothing. No Sonic. Not even his little friend. There was only one place I could check I looked at my room thinking. 'Could he be in there?' There was only one thing to do. Check the room closely. I knew for sure Sonic doesn't go outside without me because he is afraid to be alone. Welp time to check door number one.


Shadow walked to the room opening the door looking in the dark room. "Sonic?" Shadow softly called out seeing if he could get the ocean blue color hedgehogs attention. Shadow started to check the room. He looked in the closet and the shelves in there, he looked in his private bathroom and behind the closed shower curtains. Nothing again. Shadow started to get worried nearly freaking out but his ears twitched hearing something rustle under his bed. He looked slowly walking to the bed. He heard more rustling as he gets on his knees hesitant to look under. Shadow breathed in and exhaled as he looked under the bed. To his surprise he saw who he was looking for. "Hey Shadow" it was Sonic!!

Shadow's POV

I was so relieved I found him but a little mad that he just disappeared like that. "Come out here Sonic." I said with a deep tone. I saw his ears go down as he crawls out of there knowing I was upset at him. He sat there looking down. "Sonic stand up and look at me please." I said in a now soft tone hating to see that sad expression. He stood up looking at me tears slowly developing. "Sonic please don't cry..." "B-but your t-tone...was...h-harsh." I thought for a moment remembering that pups think deep tones in voices are harsh knowing they did bad. I hugged Sonic showing I wasn't mad. "Please just... don't disappear like that. I know you like to play hide and seek but please say you are before you run off...you nearly gave me a heart attack." We stood there for two minutes then I left arms wrapped around my neck I looked at Sonic hugging back I smiled hugging him closer.

Sonic's POV

I thought I made Shadow mad but when Shadow hugged me I knew he wasn't. I hugged back showing him that I forgave him. I guess I need a lot to learn about my new form of life. Maybe Shadow can teach me how. Even Tails tried to help me with what he knew but I failed. I nuzzles Shadows chest fur purring at the softness then I heard something. Purrr. I could hear Shadow purr when I nuzzle him. My tail wagged happily as I pounced on him both of us falling on the floor. We both laughed I looked at Shadow seeing that he was blushing while he was laughing. He did that before. I wondered but Shadow kissed my forehead out of nowhere making me squeak. I heard him gasped as he moved away apologizing over and over again. I felt my face burn even my ears felt warm. What is this feeling?... Later Shadow said it was time for bed as he gets in his bed. I jumped in laying on the opposite side. He said goodnight falling asleep his back faced me. I get closer to Shadow facing my back to his for warmth as I remember whispering. "Good... night...Shadow.."

OH MY GOSH IM SORRY I'm sorry for not updating this sooner I was trying to think of what to put but thank you for the ones that were patient for this and thank you for reading I'll continue this book soon

See you in the next Chapter!!!

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