Your Mobian!?

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After a while of Shadow passing out he slowly started to wake up groaning. 'What happened?..' he thought and wondered as he then realized to remember he had seen a blue hedgehog that said he was Sonic. Shadow looked around seeing he was on the floor where he had passed out. Shadow gets up from the ground as he looked around more trying to find that blue hedgehog that claims to be Sonic. As he was looking he heard a yelp in the kitchen as a sound of a pan had slammed on the ground. Shadow runs in the kitchen seeing that same hedgehog that was in his living room and now in his kitchen.

The blue hedgehog whined as what Shadow sees was a pan that smacked down on the ocean colored ones foot. Shadow watched to see his movements or reactions like he sometimes was ordered to do at GUN.

The blue one was on the floor holding his foot as his ears go up looking around. Shadow stayed hidden as he saw the ocean colored hedgehog try to get up from the floor. The yellow kitten was there as it pawed the hand of the blue one then the little one saw Shadow as he backs away. "W-what wong?" The blue one tried to ask the kitten as he turned to the door which made his eyes widened and hide behind the counter. Shadow walked away from the door to the other slowly. "Hey it's okay you don't need to be scared."

Shadow POV

I walked to the blue one slowly when I said it was okay. He looked at me scared. I guess I went to far by pointing a gun at his face out of random. I kneeled down slowly where I was on both knees. "Come here Sonic. I promise I won't hurt you." I said softly saying the name he told me as I saw his ears go up cutely. It was adorable to say like the pup I saved.

I waited patiently for him to come to me which was working as he crawled to me slowly. I placed my hand out so I could see what he would do. He got close enough to where he sniffed my gloved hand, which was weird for a Mobian to do but there's something strange about him. Then I tenced up. He had licked my hand. I moved my hand away from him which made him jolt back his ears going down as if he did something wrong. "No no it's okay you surprised me it's all." I said looking at my hand grossed out then out of nowhere when I looked at my hand to wipe the saliva off then back up to look at him he was nose to nose to my face. My eyes widened not moving. "Owner... Sh-shadow." He said softly. My heart sank when he said that. "What did you say?" I asked wondering if I heard that right. "I s-said owner S-shado-ow." He stuttered in his words but that's when I realized then slowly pushed him away. "Where did you come from?" I asked. "Y-you brought m-me h-here from darkness." I tried to think what he ment by darkness then remembered the alley way was dark. " that really you?....the pup I brought home?" he nodded as he sad down when his name was called like he did before when I brought him home with me. "Your a Mobian!?!?" I yelled but not to much as it was enough to scare Sonic as he ran behind the counter. I got up and walked to him. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to." "P-Promise?" "I promise." I said softly. Then I felt a force jump on me as Sonic had tackled me into a hug. "Whoa!! Sonic!!" Sonic was wagging his tail as he sits up his arms next to each side of my head. "My you get off me Sonic?" Sonic tilted his head as he didn't know why. "Why?" See I told you. "Because your pinning me down in a weird position." Sonic gets up as he knew I was uncomfortable like that. He sits down as the kitten jumping in his lap. I sat up and leaned to the wall. "How did you become a Mobian?" I asked as he looked me and smiled. "Well I-I saved T-Tails here outside p-patching him up in here t-then I saw a light fly to me when I f-fell a-asleep...then th-this happened." As I listened it sounded like a fairy tale come to life which is like something that sounds familiar but I can't figure out why...


Shadow and Sonic talked to each other for a while about two to three hours but it went silent when Shadow asked how Sonic got in the alley way. Sonic froze for a moment as he breathed in and then let his breath loose then he looked at Shadow with his emerald green eyes. "I-it happened d-days ago no n-need to look b-back." He said shyly. "If you didn't want to tell me you could have said so." Sonic looked at him confused. "That's a-an option?.." Shadow nodded his head and smiled. "Yes." Sonic saw his smile as he smiled back as his stomach started to growl which made him blush in embarrassment. Shadow chuckled. "You and your friend hungry?" Sonic nodded even the kitten as he stayed close to Sonic not wanting to leave him. "Lets see what I got." Shadow gets up from the floor then looked in his fridge getting a Chilli Dog out then in the microwave.

-three minutes later-(Lazy Lol)

Shadow gets a plate then put the Chilli Dog on the plate setting it on the table. Sonic looked as he put Tails on the table as he sat on his knees looking. Shadow picked up Sonic and put him on the chair. "You sit here." Sonic nodded as he looked at the Chilli Dog. Shadow got a knife and cut it in half for both of them. "Enjoy." Sonic looked at it as he licked it then his eyes sparkled. It happened to Tails too as they ate the Chilli Dog until the plate was spotless.

Shadow chuckled at the sight as he saw Sonic and the kitten yawn tired. "I should get you to bed because you seem tired." Sonic nodded as Shadow picked him up bridal style. Sonic yelped. Shadow gave out another chuckle as Tails jumped from the table to Sonics chest. Sonic held him as he smiles. "Where we g-going?" "To the guest room so you can sleep." "Is that y-your r-room?" "No I'm next door on the right?" "Oh." Shadow walked to the room as he opened it with his foot since it wasn't closed all the way. He walked in going to the bed laying Sonic down as he had already fell asleep in his arms. Shadow covered him up as the kitten curled up next to Sonics head purring. Shadow smiles as he walked to the door taking another glance at the door. "A Werepup that became a story to tell Rouge."

Done thank you for waiting there will be more chapters on going so thanks for waiting and I'll get the next chapter in and again I need suggestions for the next chapter thank you and wish me luck for the next ones.

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