Sonic the Were-Hedgehog?

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Sonic's POV

It was in the middle of of the night when this happened to me. As I was asleep I hear something at the door scratching at it. I slowly got off of my new owners chest as I walk to the door as I wanted to walk outside but I wasn't like Shadow so I had to find a different way to look through the door. As I walked I realized right above the place Shadow was asleep on had a view of outside as I got on the thing Shadow was in I climbed to the top and I saw was outside where I was before my owner found me. My tail wags at the sight of the sky to be honest I love the outdoors but when I was in that alley I didn't like it at all. Shadow owner saved me from that I am happy about that. As I was about to jump down I heard something outside like it was hurt. I looked out the window seeing a kitten wounded meowing for help. I didn't know what to do but I heard the door open. I got scared but I didn't have time to get scared I jumped down on the floor it was a big drop hurting me a bit but I ran outside running to the hurt kitten. I slowed down slowly not wanting to scare it. As I did the kitten looks at me scared I may hurt then. "Hey I won't hurt you little guy." I said softly as he looks at me shaking. "Y-you w-wont hurt..m-me?" he asked as I nodded smiling. "I promise let me get you fixed." He hesitated a bit but nods. I picked him up putting him on my back walking to the house again. I jumped in through the door carefully not wanting to hurt the little one. "Hold on I need to find something okay?" "O-okay..." I placed him down on the soft carpet but out of Shadows eye sight as I run to the place he put me last time. I looked around as I saw a light soft purple light fly in front of me as it flew to another room. I had no choice but to follow it. It stopped as it pushed a box to me opening it showing something in it. "Take the big one it's called a bandage." I was frozen from it talking but I nodded as I bit it taking it out and run to the little kitten.

-later to about five minutes-

"Is that better?" I asked the kitten moving the rest of the bandage away. "Y-yes thank y-you." I nod "your welcome um..?" The kitten gasps. "Oh I forgot to say my name...*clears throght* ... I'm Miles Prower but u rather to be called Tails." He said a bit happily. "Why called Tails?" I asked not wanting to be rude. He looks as he gently moved his side but I realized he had two tails behind him.

(Forgot to mention he got hurt on his side and leg sorry).

Tails looks at me but then looks away. "Some humans called me a freak..." My ears and heart dropped hearing that. "I would never say that to you Tails..." He looked at me smiling "r-really?" I nodded as I hugged him softly. He squeaked but hugged back as this was happening I heard a voice tell me something all I heard was. 'yoy have proved..' and 'your wish will be granted...' that's all. I looked at Tails asleep in my arms. I layed him down softly curling around him. "Night Tails....night Owner Shadow.."

Shadows POV

I woke up not feeling something on my chest sleeping. Then u realized Sonic wasn't there. I wondered why he wasn't there. I get up looking around for Sonic but all I saw was nothing. "Sonic?" I called. I didn't hear any little feet run to me nor see the blue Werehog. I got worried but I heard a snore next behind me apparently next to the couch. I slowly turn around as I frozed. I saw a Mobian Hedgehog in my house! So then I screamed. "AHHHH!" As j screamed the blue Hedgehog jearks awake screaming too. "AHHH!!" I grabbed my gun and aimed it at the hedgehog growling. He looked at me scared. "Who are you?!" I demanded but he tried to talk but all I heard was squeaks. "Can you not talk?!" I growled more but a kitten that had bandages on it tried to claw my shoe forgetting I fell asleep with my shoes on. "What is..." The blue one picks up the kitten but it wiggles making the hedgehog yip a bit it sounded like a pup even though he looked my age. I lowered my gun. "Who...are you?" I asked one more time. The blue one looks at me ears going down as he tried. "" He started to say slowly. "My....n-n-name..." I have him time to speak. "My name....S-s-sonic...." My eyes widened at this. "Sonic?!" He nodded as the little kitten stayed close to him. "How?" I got so confused that I passed out.

Sorry it took so long for this chapter but I'll see you guys in the next one bye!

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