Store Adventure

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While driving, on their way to the store, Shadow listened to Sonic and Tails get so excited about their surroundings. Both Sonic and Tails were amazed by the amount of people, trees and building there were around them thinking Shadows house and the G.U.N. building was all there was. The both of them were moving on their doors so much Shadow had to constantly make sure the child lock was on both of their doors just in case they somehow figured out how to open the door. 

Sonic gasped seeing so many places pointing them out which got Tails to do the same. This made Shadow smile hearing them be so excited for just a simple shopping trip. Then again they both were animals which got Shadow thinking. Can they form back? Or are they permanently Mobians. He'll think about it later. 

"Shadow! Are we almost there?!" Sonic asked excitedly but with slight impatience, which made Shadow chuckle. 

"Not yet just a little longer just want you two to have a look around at things you've never seen before." Shadow said smiling as he keeps an eye on the road. 

Sonic and Tails understood taking this time to really get good looks. Tails ears go up seeing the people in costumes. 

"Mr. Shadow? Who is those people?" Tails asked adorably still getting used to speaking. Shadow took a quick glance as he speaks. 

"They are cosplayers. People who dress up as characters from shows like the ones you and Sonic watch." Shadow said which had Tails smiling widely wanting to see more. 

After a bit they finally arrived at the store. 

Shadow parked the car as he turns to the two. 

"Okay we're going in the store, but I need to say some rules before you two go running around okay?" Shadow spoke like he was a coach of a sports team, but it was affective as Tails and Sonic nodded ready to listen. "Good now for one stay near me okay? Don't wanna lose you two and go on a wild goose chase alright?" The two nodded smiling. "Two if you do get separated from me please stay we're you are and wait I'll find you immediately knowing your gone too long and three if you two are good I'll allow two items for both of you!" Sonic and Tails immediately gasped hearing this excited. "Ready?" Shadow asked smiling. The two nodded repeating Shadow at the same time. "Ready!" Shadow opened the car door and unlocked the doors for them. "Let's go then." 

Stepping out of the car as Sonic held Tails both of them look at the building seeing how big it was surprised something was bigger than Shadow's house.

Shadow could see their excitement walking to them. "Wait till you see the inside." Shadow walks ahead as Sonic followed with Tails in his arms the two of them confused on what Shadow meant. 

Once they walked inside Sonic and Tails had the most bright eyed expression seeing so many items and food in one place. The urge of them wanting to run around and see everything up close. 

Shadow held Sonic's hand knowing they wanted to look around due to them shaking and tail wagging in excitement which made Shadow glad they weren't small creatures he'd loose them too quickly. Sonic blinks his focus now at Shadow's hand holding his which made his tail wag even faster. Tails was too busy seeing the colors and new foods. 

Shadow held a list of items as he walks. "Stay close and make sure you don't run off if I let go of your hand okay?" Sonic nodded doing a small 'mhmm' as he followed Shadow. 

While they walked Sonic and Tails looked around like children in a candy store seeing new things they have never seen or seen before but rotten and broken from where they were before Shadow came into the picture.

"Everything look cool!" Tails said smiling as he held onto Sonic. Sonic nodded agreeing then he felt Shadow move his hand which made him stop looking at Shadow. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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