Puppy Care with a bit of love

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Normal POV
Shadow was asleep in his bed sleeping peacefully with a little fur ball on his chest fur asleep as well. Shadow starts to wake up slowly but all he could do for now was to open his eyes and look at the dark blue pup sleeping peacefully. Shadow smiles and gently picks him up and placed him down on the couch slowly. The pup didn't move but his tail wiggles a wag. Shadow chuckled and walks to the bathroom to take a shower. When Shadow finished he thought what kind of species Sonic is. He walked to the living room to see if the pup was up. He wasn't he was still asleep. Shadow sighed and walks to his room and on his computer. "Okay just to see what he is." Shadow typed in 'dark blue pup' and nothing came on it just said 'unknown user'. He groans then typed another part. 'wolf like dog' it gave two information boxes. Shadow clicked the first one. It just told it may be a generation of Wolf's in a dog's life time. Shadow got out of it and looks at the second one and clicked it. It popped up a bunch of pictures with captions and a paragraph of what it was.

These species of wolf and dog are not what some think. An explorer found these creatures to be harmless unless threatened. These creatures are known as 'Werehogs' they are half wolf and, some say it's crazy, Hedgehog Mobians the study's show that long ago a Mobian Hedgehog and a Wolf mated.

Shadow gaged a bit and kept reading but was interruped by a whimper. Shadow gets up from his chair and walks back to the living room to see the pup was awake and worried where Shadow could be. Shadow looks around for awhile then when he got in the kitchen the pup was trying to open the fridge. 'What is Sonic doing?' Shadow through to himself. Sonic whined again. 'I guess he's hungry' Shadow walks to Sonic picking him up. "Hey what's wrong?"
Sonic used his pawed hand to point to the fridge. "Oh! Your hungry?" Sonic nods his head. Shadow understood placed the pup on the counter top and opened the fridge. "Let's see what to get you." As Shadow searched Sonic looks around seeing the new wonders of the house he was surprised he found the fridge too. 'I'm new here how can I find the box of food did I just do a easy guess or something?' Sonic thought as Shadow took out a small cup of apple sauce. Sonic sniffs and wags his tail at the scent of apples. Shadow looks at Sonic wagging his little tail. He chuckled placed the cup on the table and picks up the pup. Sonic looks at him as he licks Shadows nose happily. Shadow chuckled again softly as he placed the pup on the table. Sonic sniffs for the apple scent and looks at the cup wagging his tail and walks to it. Shadow watched the pup open the cup and eat. Sonic eats the apple sauce happily as he started to purr as well. "I'm guessing you like that." Shadow said looking at Sonic. Sonic nods as he keeps eating then he stops as he finished the sauce. "Want more?" Shadow asked the pup but the door knocked. "Who?" Shadow picks up Sonic placed him on the floor and walks to the door and opens it. "What?" He asked harshly. "Is that any way to greet a friend?" A voice of Rouge was heard as Shadow groans. "What is it?" "I just wanted to see the darling pup." She said walking in the house. Shadow groans again. "Where is he?" She asked Shadow happy wanting to see Sonic. "He's in the kitchen he just finished eating." Shadow said a bit frustrated of the bat in his house. Rouge walks to the kitchen and saw Sonic sitting down licking his paw clean. Rouge squeals at the adorableness. Sonic looks up and yelps as Rouge picked him up. "He's so cute!" "You just saw him yesterday." "I don't care he's still adorable!" Sonic started to wiggle out of Rouges grip climbs to her shoulder and jumps into Shadows arms. Shadow grabs him as he was surprised of what happened. "What the?" Rouge looks at them. "I guess he like you more than me." She said pouting. Shadow held a smirk in as he looks at Sonic smiling. Sonic curls up next to Shadows neck softly. Rouge took her phone out of her bra and took a picture which Sonic growled and barks at her. "Whoa!" She quickly put her phone up. "Hey Sonic calm down." Shadow said softly as Sonic calmed down and curls up again. "Rouge I know you got here but please leave and never come back." Rouge nods and huffed. "Rude." Shadow closed the door as she walked out. Sonic looked confused. 'Why did she do that to me it hurt my tummy.' he whimpered a bit because of the pain. "Hold on I'll take care of that." Shadow walks to the bathroom with Sonic and looks around for some icey hot to put it on Sonic's stomach. Sonic looks as he did he wondered then he hugs his stomach softly. "Found it." Shadow said as he gets a little container out and rub it on Sonic's stomach. Sonic purrs at this as he fell asleep not feeling the pain. Shadow smiles and takes the pup in bed placing pillows around him as he continues the website search. 'Thank you Shadow.' thought Sonic as he fell asleep completely.

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