Any Fool Can Be Happy

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Good day, morning, afternoon, or night, whatever time it is for you, just the author checking in and I hope you all doing well, enjoy the reading.

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Alastor carefully stepped over the reflective shards of the mirror and leaned down pushing your (y/h/l) (y/h/c) out of your face. He had no clue as to what he should do but he stayed there waiting for you to finish, wrinkling his nose in disgust at the putrid scent.

After wiping your mouth on your sleeve you stayed in the same position, crouching over the toilet. Your hands gripped the edge of the bowl and you stared at the wall. Your surroundings blurred as you felt yourself sinking further and further into the depths of your emotions. The metaphorical bottle that held all the anger and sadness within you was opened and you couldn't control it anymore. Something deep inside you snapped and you couldn't hold back this time.


Alastor noticed the flash of red in your eyes along with the cracking of the toilet bowl. Your knuckles whitened as your grip became stronger. You looked incredibly tense and uneasy, and it was beginning to make him uncomfortable, which he had to admit was a grand feat.

He leaned over you and waved a hand in front of your face, "Hello! Is anyone there!?"

A laugh track played as he tried to get a reaction, but to his dissatisfaction, he didn't get so much as a glance from you. He was immensely irritated with your lack of response and just as he was about to lift your chin your eyes shifted towards him.

He gave you a questioning smile but you only glared back with your crimson eyes. Alastor opened his mouth to speak but was cut off sharply when you pounced on him and began to claw at his chest.

His eyes were wide in shock and the shy static in the background began to get louder. The garbled radio sounds continued as he narrowed his eyes and wrapped his hands around your wrists. In one swift motion, he flipped your position and pinned your arms above your head. You struggled against his iron grip and wriggled underneath him. After a bit of struggling you tilted your head back and then forward with as much force as possible, head butting his already injured nose. He gasped as he felt the bridge of his nose crack.

His grip on your wrist was abandoned as he quickly reached for his broken nose. You shoved him off of you and slammed his shoulder into the wall. Reeling your arm back you punched him square in the jaw causing his lip to start bleeding.

Alastor's eyes began to merge into radio dials and his antlers were sprouting out. He wiped the blood off of his chin and punched you in the gut. Momentarily averting you, he grabbed your throat and slammed you into the wall. Your feet dangled in the air as his hold tightened making it harder for you to breathe. Alastor then leaned down towards your ear asking in a distorted tone.

"Although this little skirmish has been quite the entertainment I must ask, why hurt me? I've done nothing but give you my assistance."

You didn't reply, instead, you growled at him and clawed at his hand. He laughed at your struggling and gave you a deadpan glare that would have put Lucifer himself on edge. He began applying more and more pressure, slowly crushing your throat. He had you right where he wanted.

Well, at least he thought he did.

You placed your palm on his chest as it began to glow (y/f/c) and in a blinding flash, he was thrown across the room. The powerful blast caused Alastor to collide with the bathroom door, breaking it in the process. You walked across the tiled floor and watched as he stepped out of the remains of your bookcase looking just about ready to kill you.

His smile stretched so far it almost looked painful to do and his hair was full of wooden debris from what was presumably your old bookshelves. The two of you circled each other all bruised and bloodied but neither of you cared for your physical states. The only thing that mattered at the moment was winning.


Angeldust had originally planned to spend his evening off by treating himself to a nice bubble bath and spending some quality time with fat nuggets. As soon as he got into his room he began to strip off his clothes, tossing them all over the room without care. He slipped on his fluffy pink robe and waltzed into the bathroom. The spider then began rummaging through the cabinets under the sink and found a couple of candles to light along with some bath salts that would do wonders for his fur. He dunked the salts into the tub and began lighting some of the candles. As he held one in his hand he inspected the label and read the name of the scent.

French vanilla. . .

Hmmm seems a little basic but it'll do. . .

He flickered the lighter and lit the candle. As he was placing the candle on the counter the room shook and the lights flickered.

Probably just another turf war. . .

He untied the knot on his robe getting ready to slip into his bath but heard a loud crash that sounded far too close for comfort. He scowled and said, " I can't even enjoy my fucking day off around here! "

He retied the knot to his robe and walked out into the hall, just in time to see you get blasted through the wall of your room. The spider let out a string of Italian curses and frantically rushed to find the princes.

"What the fuck do you mean there's a fight going on upstairs!" Vaggies looked as if she was about to blow a fuse, just when she thought it couldn't get any worse you had to go a get into another fight. Charlie on the other hand looked extremely disappointed, you getting into a brawl with the radio demon would make the hotel's reputation plummet even further than before. Not only would it make the hotel look bad but to get you back into your senses she would need the help of the person she wanted to see the least right now.

"I mean Smiles and Y/n are goin at it you stupid bitch! And if we don't go and stop 'em this building will be nothing but rubble!" Angeldust responded feverishly, he couldn't bear the thought of having this place destroyed, just when he was starting to like it.

Charlie spoke up and said, "Alright here's the plan, I'm gonna call for some back reinforcement, and in the meantime, we can go upstairs and make sure they keep the damage to a minimum."

"Can't cha just go an tell em to knock it off?" Charlie pursed her lips at the suggestion and gravely responded, "No, I know Y/n, and whenever she gets like this, there's only one person who can bring her back."

"An whose that?"

"My dad."


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Ahhhh the fight was such a struggle to portray. I've never written a fight scene so it may not be the best but I hope it was still enjoyable to read.

And a new character is introduced next chapter! Fingers crossed I can somewhat depict Lucifer's character accurately. It's gonna be a challenge but I'm going for it, he is important to the backstory of our main character after all.

I hope you enjoyed the reading

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