Team 3

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Friday came by in a blur. You had spent most of the week in the ballroom finishing up the renovations and mainly avoiding Alastor. You were still pretty pissed about the whole paint dunking incident so you just decided to ignore the strawberry pimp. After all, he didn't deserve the pleasure of seeing how ticked off you truly were. Plus seeing how annoyed he made you would only feed into his sadistic cravings.

You were currently finishing up with the cleaning in the ballroom. At first, you had thought that the cleaning process would take quite a while considering you weren't using any magic but thanks to Nifty's help the ballroom was nearly sparkling. You were wiping down one of the stained glass windows when you suddenly heard multiple voices start whispering in the confines of your head. Among the various voices, you heard them say "your late" and "remember Charlie's office"

You looked at your phone screen and realized it was already two minutes past nine.

Shit I need to go

You decided to use a little magic to change your attire into something more business casual. Knowing that you couldn't risk draining yourself too much you made a mad dash up the stairs and yelled "I'll be right back Nifty!" before closing the door and running through the halls trying to get to Charlie's office as soon as possible.

You ran so fast that you hadn't even acknowledged the tall figure casually making his way into Charlie's office. You got in and closed the door abruptly not realizing you had just slammed the door on the red stag. You looked around still standing in front of the door. Charlie was sitting on the surface of her desk with a notepad in her hand and a pen behind her ear. Her hair was a bit messy and her suit jacket was removed from her shoulders. The top button on her dress shirt was undone and her bowtie was hanging loose. The bags under her eyes were very visible and she seemed to have been paler (if that's even possible) than usual.

Vaggie stood next to her, her hand rubbing soothing circles onto Charlie's back. You noticed that Vaggie hadn't looked any better than her lover. She sported similar bags under her eyes and her clothes looked a bit wrinkled. The bow on her head was a bit crooked but her hair wasn't as messy as Charlie's. They looked up from the notepad when they heard you enter. After a moment of silence you spoke up and said "Wow,  you two look like shit."

Vaggie snorted and Charlie stifled a short bittersweet laugh.

"Your one to talk," Vaggie responded with a grin.

"That bad huh?" You asked glancing at Charlie.  She opened her mouth to speak but got interrupted by a swift knocking on the door.

"It seems that you have forgotten I am supposed to be present for the meeting my friends." Your grin turned into a scowl at the sound of his radio filtered voice. Rolling your eyes and putting on a fake smile you lean off the door and open it allowing Alastor to enter.

You step aside and move towards the chair behind Charlie's desk. You take a seat and kick your feet up to rest them on the surface. Charlie didn't seem to mind, but you think you saw Alastor's eye twitch a little.

Must think it's unladylike or something

Alastor closed the door behind him and strode over to an armchair that was located near the desk but not close enough to make any physical contact.
He sat down and crossed his legs placing his folded hands onto his lap. He was very courteous compared to you. Yes, you knew how to be polite and how to charm someone with your mannerisms but frankly, you just didn't give a damn today.

You were too grumpy and sleep-deprived to give a crap on whether your actions were considered rude or not.

Charlie cleared her throat and got off of her desk standing in the middle of the room so she could address everyone within her office.

What A Charm! (Alastor X Reader)UNDER EDITING Where stories live. Discover now