Bits and Pieces

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Hi, it's the author again so you came back for more what a surprise well for me anyway let's continue our story . . .

“You my friend are sick in the head.” You could not fathom the idea of being romantically inclined towards someone so. . . entitled. 

Angel Dust only grinned at you and replied,"Thanks for the diagnosis doc.”

“You're welcome, I'll send you the bill in 3 to 5 business days.” He rolled his eyes at your smug expression when an ominous green light began to shine throughout the room, followed by a gust of cold air.

"So, it's a deal then?" You heard Alastor ask Charlie. To which Charlie clearly refused.

"Nope! No shaking! No deals! I . . . as princess of hell and heir to the throne, I, uh, I hereby order that you help with this hotel." She paused for a second before quickly adding "For as long as you desire." 

Not bad I suppose. . .

"Fair enough." Alastor replied.

Charlie sighed in relief "cool beans." 

Things had suddenly become interesting for you, no deals made, yet he stayed for “Entertainment” you wondered what exactly he would want from this arrangement. You know firsthand that Alastor is a businessman and a good one at that. There is always a reason behind his actions so he must benefit from this somehow. After all, even you had alternative reasons for joining Charlie’s passion project. Although you are a bit skeptical, you do believe that maybe there is a chance that Charlie's plan will work. You believed that Charlie was living proof that there are some good people down in this shit show called hell. Though you were more unsure about the heaven bit, speaking from personal experience, you would have to say that heaven is not at all what it seems. 

You watched Alastor as he inspected the room while humming a tune you recognized. He then walked towards Vaggie and lifted her chin forcing her to look him in the eyes,"Smile my dear! You know you're never fully dressed without one!" Alastor dropped her chin as she began to fume. You swore you could see literal steam pouring from her ears.

He then turned towards Charlie and pointedly asked "So where is your hotel staff?" 

Charlie shrugged towards Vaggie who was still enraged with the overlord, "Uh well-" 

He turned towards Vaggie and adjusted his monocle as she stared him dead in the eyes. You were positive that if looks could kill Alastor would have surely been slaughtered by now. 

"Hohoho you're going to need more than that!" He boisterously announced as he, regrettably, pranced over towards Angel Dust.

"And what can you do, my effeminate fellow?" He asked.

Angel dust gave the overlord a not-so subtle once over before saying, "I can suck your dick!" 

For a moment you could see the metaphorical, and perhaps literal, dials turning in Alastor's head. Trying to process what he had just said. Not only could the sound of a microphone shrieking be heard in the background but as well as the sound of poorly muffled laughter.

You were leaning against the wall with your hand over your mouth, unsurprisingly, your hand did nothing to stop the sound of your laughter from emitting into the air. 

"Hah! no." Alastor responded in a swift recovery. Looking around the room for his next victim his gaze settled on you like a man on a mission.

You were trying to stay silent and catch little to no attention from the tall deer demon but it was too late. You were trying to study his actions and behavior before initiating any conversations with the overlord, but not being able to contain your laughter you failed miserably quickly catching his attention. 

"Why hello darling! It's a pleasure to be meeting you again." He said with a sinister grin as he took your hand and grazed his lips on your knuckles. You found something about his actions deeply disturbing and you couldn't quite place why. You swiftly removed your hand from his grasp trying not to reveal your discomfort too much. You knew well that he reveled in making others feel uneasy and you refused to give him the satisfaction.

"Alastor, it's good to see you too." You responded politely with the fakest smile you could muster on your face, his grin stretched further than what should be physically possible.

"It's been quite a while since I last saw you dear!" He said, wrapping an arm around your shoulder with false familiarity. The urge to rip his arm off you was strong but you resisted the temptation. Hell knows the last thing that Charlie needed was you making an enemy out of the Radio Demon of all people. 

"The funny thing is I only seem to remember bits and pieces . . . I'm afraid my years seem to be catching up with me." You laughed. 

Were you acting like a snob? Yes. But if he had the right to pester your personal space, then you very well had the right to hurt his ego. After all, everyone needs a little humbling every once in a while.

Hi , it's me again I would just like to clarify that hazbin hotel belongs to the lovely vivziepop and that most of the characteristics in this book do not belong to me. Anyway thanks for reading this crap and please leave a comment they are always appreciated.

What A Charm! (Alastor X Reader)UNDER EDITING Where stories live. Discover now