There's No Need for You to Start Flirting

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I can't stop listening to this song. I fricken love it.

"So darling it looks like we'll be working together more often," Alastor said with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.

You internally groaned and silently nodded towards him trying not to show that you found his presence annoying. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously before saying "Why so quiet darling I thought you would have something witty to say. Don't tell me I already scared you off, and here I thought we were starting to be good friends."

You tilted your head up to look at him from where you were seated and said "I would hardly call us friends. Maybe acquaintances I'm not exactly sure yet." He chuckled at your statement "Come on darling I can be trusted as a friend." You scoffed at him and turned your head away from him saying "Ha no!" And he quirked a brow wondering if you intentionally meant to quote him. Just a measly coincidence he thought to himself.

Charlie cleared her throat catching everyone's attention "Alright guys I decided that we will start with the renovations tomorrow. I advise that everyone get some rest today we have a lot of work to do tomorrow." You nodded and started to make your way towards the door deciding to leave.

You walked towards the lobby with Alastor trailing behind you silently. You made your way to the bar and sat in a stool in front of Husk.

"Hey Al, would you mind not stalking me?" You asked him bluntly as he tilted his head and gave you a quizzical look.

"I'm not stalking I'm just following you, my dear." He said as he sat down next to you. You frowned decided to ignore him as you turned to talk to Husk.

"What's up grandpa?" You asked him earning an eye-roll from him before he asked "Aren't you older than me?"

"What's your point gramps?" He chuckled and turned around grabbing a rag to clean some glasses with deciding that he would pretend to do his job.

"So how's the hellhole been for ya?" He asked gruffly. You looked around the counter of the bar top and found a deck of cards. You grabbed them and started messing around with them. While you were practicing some elaborate shuffling techniques you noticed that Alastor was nowhere to be seen.

Hmmmmm that's strange. . .

You had a feeling that he wasn't entirely absent for some reason.

"To be honest it's been very boring. With all the stupid overlord meetings, taking care of my territory, and making sure hell doesn't get completely fucked over by them" you said pointing up to the ceiling. He nodded and said, "sounds like shit."

"Ugh, that reminds me I have to go check up on my territory today." You mumbled looking at the cards in your hands as you got lost in thought. That's when it hit you "You know I wouldn't mind a little companyyy" He growled crossing his arms yelling "Hell no!"

"Please!" You begged drawing out the "e" part. He turned away and got back to cleaning the wine glasses "I said no!"

"What if we go to a bar after I finish my business?" You asked putting on your best puppy dog eyes.

"Why would I want to go to a bar where I have to pay for alcohol when I got plenty of free booze here?" You frowned and thought for a minute before saying "I'll pay for your tab. . ." He turned around and raised a large red eyebrow "fine I'll go." Your frown turned into a smug grin as he continued "on one condition though"

"What's the condition?"

"I get to pick the bar."

"I'm warning you, kid, you're gonna regret this" Husk said as the two of you were walking across a street and onto a cracked sidewalk. You grinned back at him slyly saying "I don't know, it's been so long since I've seen you half-seas over. Let me tell you I will gladly pay to watch you trip on your own tail again." You laughed as he flipped you off.

What A Charm! (Alastor X Reader)UNDER EDITING Where stories live. Discover now