Let's Put on a Show!

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Warning there are mentions of smoking and many crude jokes.

"Well without me she wouldn't be in a relationship." You suddenly heard coughing from across the table and saw Charlie choking on her orange juice with a red face. Vaggie was patting her on the back, her face red as well. You laughed at Charlie's flustered reaction before she yelled at you in a childish manner.

"Y/n!" You giggled and turned your head to meet her flustered gaze before responding.

"I simply speak the truth. You two were completely hopeless without my expertise~" You winked watching both of them become even redder.

"Wait, wait, wait, you mean to tell me you set them up?" Angel asked you slightly confused. You took your chin off of your hand before saying.

"I simply introduced them to each other and helped them "Woo" each other," You said air quoting the woo part. Alastor chuckled next to you as Angel continued.

"Hey! why haven't you worked your magic for me? Ya know, get me some decent D-" You gasped dramatically interrupting Angel before saying.
"How could you I thought we had something!"

You and Angel had an ongoing game where the two of you would pretend to be a couple just to confuse other people. It was quite fun watching people become befuddled, considering the fact that Angeldust is gay.

Angel smirked at you knowingly while everyone besides Charlie and Vaggie looked shocked. You even heard a record scratch from Alastor. You were trying very hard to keep from laughing as Angel said: "I'm sorry honey, it's not you it's me."

You feigned shock and put a hand on your forehead acting as if you were in one of Vaggie's telenovelas. (Basically a Hispanic soap opera)

"Fine, then I officially pronounce you dumped and single. You may now kiss my ass!"

You got up and stormed out of the dining room as Angel got up soon after you saying. "Aw come on babe! At least give me some good break up sex!" He followed you out and saw you leaning on the railing of the stairs.

"I think we really sold the act this time." You whispered to him giggling a little. He snickered with you before saying "Extra points for avoiding doing our dishes."

The two of you laughed and made your way upstairs to his room, which just so happens to be on the same floor as yours and Alastors rooms. You entered his room slamming the door loudly making sure the sound reverberated downstairs. You turned around and leaned on the door watching Angel grab a packet of smokes from under a loose floorboard in his room.

"Want one?" He asked you while taking out a lighter.

"Eh, why not? You got any cloves in there?" (Cloves are a type of cigarette)
You asked motioning towards his stash. He nodded his head and tossed you a box from his stash. You caught the box, took out a cigar, and tossed it back to him. You then ignited a bright red flame on your fingertips and lit the end of your cigarette.

"Show off" Angel muttered looking at you take a puff from the gasper. (Cigarette)

"Aw, are you jealous?" You asked snickering before walking over to his pink sofa and sitting down.

"Ha, I wouldn't give a fuck if you could shoot fire out of your ass!" You looked at him and snorted causing you to cough up some smoke.

"Dumbass, I'm gonna choke!" You laughed. A comfortable silence fell between the two of you, the only noise in the room is the soft cracking of your cigar. You watched the smoke exit Angel's mouth and wisp into the air. The white smoke appeared to be its own entity with the way it swirled with life in the air.

After a while, you had decided that you had enough and dissipated the cigar from where it was perched on your lips. You sighed not really feeling the effects of the cloves only obtaining the smooth flavor.

In your opinion, it was sort of like a curse never being able to ever fully escape the real world. You couldn't get high on things like drugs or smokes, you were unaffected by them only ever trying them out of curiosity or just because the flavor was alright. Though you didn't really do drugs and only smoked every once in a blue moon. The only thing that would get you a little buzzed was the especially strong liquors. Even then though you still had the ability to sober up. You were never fully able to drink your sorrows away.

You sighed to yourself starting to feel a bit bored when you suddenly had one of those lightbulb moments.

"Hey, Angel?" He leaned his head to the side and looked at you before saying "what's up?" You smiled.

"You think everyone downstairs actually bought the whole relationship thing?" He looked at you with a confused yet curious expression. "Well, Charlie and Vaggie obviously didn't since they've already caught on, but I'm pretty sure everyone else bought it."

Perfect . . .

"Why you asking?"


Everyone had finished up their breakfast a couple of minutes after Angel and Y/n had left, so they were all currently cleaning up the table. Well everyone except for Husk who was just lying his head on the table. Everything was calm and peaceful, the sound of Nifty's fast footsteps accompanied by the small talk between Charlie and Vaggie had been the only other sounds besides the low background static. This was all one could hear before they suddenly heard a loud bang from upstairs followed by a couple of moans from you and Angel.

Vaggie immediately covered Charlie's ears as the noises continued. Husk lifted his head from the table with a disturbed look on his face before getting up and muttering something along the lines of "I'm to sober for this." He walked past Alastor who was currently redder than his hair and made his way to the bar. The only one who appeared to be unfazed by this was Nifty, who just kept cleaning at the speed of light.

In the meantime, you and Angel were upstairs giving it your all to not laugh too hard. The two of you were jumping on the bed making obnoxiously loud lewd noises. You were about to crack into laughter when Angel moaned "OH YES! R-RIGHT THERE Y/N!" which allowed you to release a stream of giggles.

Both of you continued until lunch taking breaks in between making sure it wasn't too suspicious. You were about to start jumping on the bed again when you suddenly heard an all too familiar rhythmic knocking on the door. You looked at Angel and quirked a questioning eyebrow to which he responded with a shrug. You snapped your fingers and appeared in front of the door. Slowly turning the knob wondering if it was who you thought it was you opened the door and found Alastor standing there with a hand shielding his eyes. You also noted that his cheeks were a light red.

"Excuse my i-intrusion dear, but Charlie wanted me to let you know that lunch is ready." You were about to tell him that the two of you would be right there but as soon as he finished up he vanished.

You turned around and glanced at Angel with a wide smile before doubling over in laughter. After awhile your stomach started to hurt so you took a minute to calm down and get some air in your lungs. Angel got up from where he was laying down on the bed making his way to the door. He then linked on of his many arms with yours and said "Come on toots let's go make everyone as uncomfortable as possible." He cackled guiding you down the hall as you laughed along with him and said.

"Let's put on a show!"

Hi, it's the author's sorry for writing it late I've been very busy. Not only that but I also wanna say that I had a small case of writer's block last week but I think I can finally get back into the grind. Anyway, on another note we got 1k reads I'm so happy! Thank you so much for reading.

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