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The reader done fucked up . . .
But it was totally worth it apparently.
Btw N/n means nickname.

You couldn't help yourself it was as if you had been on autopilot. You reached out towards the ball of fluff and touched it . . .

What the fuck am I doing!? . . .

You froze up as soon as you realized what you had done. He slowly turned around towards you are nd tilted his head to the side. You noticed that instead of showing any fangs he wore a closed-lip smile, his cheeks were tinted red and the normal static in the air grew intensely.


"Just what do you think you're doing darling~" for the first time he saw you back down from him. You knew you had crossed the line, you fucked up. It wasn't that you were afraid of Alastor hurting you. You were just afraid of the consequences that came with fighting Alastor. If you were to quarrel you would be in some deep shit with Lucifer, you had promised him that you would stay out of trouble, and frankly, you really didn't wanna know what he would do to you if you were to destroy poor Charlie's hotel. The best thing you could do was apologize and get the fuck out of there, but you really didn't want to apologize to the radio demon. It would be like admitting defeat. You took a deep breath and looked up at him.

I'm only doing this for Charlie's sake . . .

You cleared your throat and forced yourself to sound as sincere as possible.

"I'm so sorry Alastor, I thought something was on you and tried to grab it." You lied through your teeth and gave him an apologetic look. His neck snapped at an odd angle as he raised an eyebrow.

"N-no worries my dear just don't do it again~" As he spoke the last part seemed to fade into a creepy distorted radio static. You backed up towards the exit of the kitchen and went for the exit as fast as you could walk. You were halfway out the door before Alastor said.

" Just know that I'm going to get you back mon amie~" (my friend) he growled lowly. You nodded your head acknowledging what you heard before speaking up.

"Well, I can't wait to see that, and don't worry I won't tell anyone about your cute Lil tail. It'll be our secret." You winked sarcastically and made your way to the dining room where everyone was already seated.

Okay, I think I maaay be pushing his buttons a little too much. I should probably stop before things escalate . . . But then again where would the fun in that be.

You chuckled to yourself as you looked for a seat and realized that the only two seats being unoccupied where right next to each other.

Well shit . . .
I guess karma really does exist . . .

You looked towards Angel who was on the other side of the table sitting next to the grumpy cat demon and walked closer to them.

"Heeeyyyy Angel, would you mind switching seats with me for tonight?" You looked at him with puppy dog eyes and batted your eyelashes.

"Sorry N/n but I'm not passing up the opportunity to sit next to hot stuff over here~." He flirtatiously winked at Husk earning an irritated groan from him.

"Please Angel I can't sit next to Alastor." You begged him.

"Whyyyyy it's not like he can hurt you or anything. Oh, wait! Maybe your afraid you won't be able to keep it in ya pants!" He cackled and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Ew! No!" You decided to sit next to Alastor just to prove to Angel wrong. You sat in the seat and looked at Angel smugly before sticking your tongue out at him childishly. He narrowed his eyes at you and did the same before the both of you burst into a fit of giggles.

As he said before it's not like Alastor could hurt you right?...

You thought to yourself before Alastor burst through the kitchen doors balancing bowls of jambalaya on a tray.

Speak of the devil . . .

"Dinners ready!"

He announced loudly as he set down the food in front of everyone and sat down next to you. Everyone looked at the food cautiously wondering if it was poisoned or not. You then cleared your throat to get everyone's attention.

"Don't worry guys it's not poisoned I watched him make it." You giggled and started to dig in. Seeing as you didn't die everyone started to dig in with you.
As soon as the food hit your taste buds you couldn't help but let out a satisfied hum.  You wouldn't ever admit it but the jambalaya was spectacular. Alastor then glanced at you seeing that you were halfway done with the bowl.

"I see you find the dish to be satisfactory Vixen?" (In case your confused vixen is a nickname given to you by the sinners)  He questioned you.
You turned your head towards him and glared.

"It could be better." You grinned at him. He knew that you knew you thought it was delicious but you were not about to admit how amazing his culinary skills were. Rather than getting angry, he let out a soft chuckle that had your stomach doing flips.

Maybe he really did poison the food . . .

Alastor then smirked at you before leaning down to your ear whispering.

"If you want maybe you could assist me in making breakfast tomorrow, maybe you could show me how to make the food to your liking~" You then choked on your food and started coughing. You magicked a glass of water into your hand and started to drink. Your face was red and your chest was beating wildly.

What the hell did he just do to me?! Was he flirting?! Maybe I just need to get my head out of the gutter . . .

Your thoughts were going a million miles a minute. That's when you noticed everyone at the table starring in either concern or shock. You cleared your throat awkwardly and let out a clearly forced laugh.

"I would love to."

Surprise I finished a chapter early. I had a sudden urge to stay up late and write till one in the morning 😂. Anyway, I was wondering if any of you would like to have Alastor touch your tail in the spirit of revenge? Tell me what you think of the idea . . .


What A Charm! (Alastor X Reader)UNDER EDITING Where stories live. Discover now