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"Can't cha just go an tell em to knock it off?" Charlie pursed her lips at the suggestion and gravely responded, "No, I know Y/n, and whenever she gets like this, there's only one person who can bring her back."

"An whose that?"

"My dad."

Most would think that there's more to contacting the devil himself than the a click of a button, he was after all the prince of darkness, first to fall, and destroyer of mankind, but oh would they be surprised when he answered his daughter right on the first ring. It was as if he had already been waiting for her call, as if he had already knew that she was in dire need of his assistance.

"Ah Charlotte, how are you?"

On the other side of the line, Charlie felt her heart hammering in her chest, but she took a deep breath and let her anxiety wash away. She reminded herself that he was her dad and as much as he hated to admit it she knew that he still cared for her. Be it in his own unique and peculiar way.

"Hey dad, I'm sorry to bother you but I'm gonna need you to help me with something. . ."


"I'll be there in a minute, just make sure nothing too considerable happens without me Charlotte, wouldn't want to miss out on the fun!" He ended joyously.

As he hung up Charlie hurried up the stairs with the rest of the crew following behind her. It was a bit odd to see her looking so serious, and her mood only seemed to add to the thickness in the air. When they reached the floor they were immediately presented with destruction, the walls were crumbling apart, some of the doors were on the ground, and the lights were flickering. It looked as if that part of the  hotel had been raided.

Carefully Charlie inspected the area and nodded towards her lover.

"I think you guys should go downstairs and wait it out-" before she could finish the grumpy bar cat laughed.

"You're gonna need some help with the red bastard. I'm stayin up 'ere, Nifty can go gather some medical supplies downstairs while we deal with these two dumbasses."
Charlie's facial expression quickly began to become more radiant, she smiled went in to hug him but he dodged her arms and growled.

"None of that shit." She nodded awkwardly and began to move deeper into the hall.

As they did an audible bang was heard from the room next to them. They all stopped and stared at each other before carefully opening the door and entering. As soon as they did they were met with the sight of your semi transformed figure looming over Alastor's demonic form.

Alastor was unconscious on the ground while you were getting ready to take a bite of his neck, and just as you were opening your jaw a bright light flashed into the room. Everyone, aside from Charlie,  squinted their eyes in an idle attempt to see what, or rather who was causing the glow but as expected no one could tell what it was. The only thing they felt in that very moment was the raw power emitting from not just you, but from the light source as well. The forces were so mighty that the very building began to vibrate. 

As the glow dimmed down the figure of a short blond man emerged from the cold light. He looked particularly annoyed as he stared at you and flicked his wrist. When he did a golden dart flew into your neck causing you to collapse onto Alastors limp body. Angel accidentally let out an audible gasp before covering it up with a, not so settle, cough.

"I-is she, ya know-" Angeldust asked as he ran a finger across his throat. He acted unaffected and cool but his worry for you was clearly shown with the hesitance in his voice

The princess looked back at her father with concern, while her father gave her an odd smile saying, "Oh no, of course not, I just put her to sleep for a bit."

"How long?" Asked Husk as he leaned on the doorframe keeping his eyes on Alastor.

"I'd like to think an hour or two" Lucifer answered with his eyes roaming over Alastor's physique.

"Why don't we go put her in a room Dad?"

"Now as much as I appreciate your thoughtfulness I can't have her here she's to unstable right now so I'll have to take her for a couple weeks, she'll be allowed outside the palace whenever I deem her able to constrain herself but for now she'll be staying at the manor we have in the Pentagram." He smiled at everyone and vanished with a wave, carrying you along in his arms.

So many questions ran through everyone's heads but it was all too late to ask them for the devil had disappeared.

.- .-.. --- -. .


Apologies for the short chapter this part was such a drag.

As I was writing this my cousin came over and I was talking to them but instead of saying their name I accidentally said Alastor  ;-;

That was incredibly embarrassing but oh well, they were extremely confused.

Also video above, yes I do realize it's an animation meme, but after listening to the whole version I thought that the part at this time stamp: 2:10  sounded a bit like Alastor. Idk maybe I'm insane but what do you think?

As always I hope you enjoyed the reading

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