Fitch the Snitch

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Most of the songs I put above represent moments or relationships with people in this book. They're just not in order with the chapters most of the time >:)

You and Husk had been drinking for a long time now. At one point Mimzy had decided to join the two of you, not in drinking but at a seat at the table.

"So what were the roaring twenties like?" You asked Mimzy curiously. During those times you had wanted to go visit the human realm. You wanted to see for yourself what the buzz about swing and jazz was all about. Unfortunately, you hadn't been able to visit since the angels still held their grievances against you. You also didn't know how to control your powers well either, going up there would have been a plan for disaster.

Mimzy took a moment to think before answering "Those were the times to be alive!" She answered in a cheery manner."The war was finally over so what better to do than celebrate. Walking down the streets of New Orleans you could find a swell party almost every night!" She exclaimed joyfully. "Women were able to express themselves more and make a statement as flappers. Although it was dangerous for us to go out, considering the serial killer that had been on the loose."

"Wait what?" You asked intrigued by the new information.

"Yes, I remember that there had been a long list of murders in town. The victims were chosen at random. Most were drunk partygoers lost on the streets." She said nostalgically. You were a bit surprised by how unfazed by the situation she was. It wasn't that she wasn't bothered that made you feel uneasy. No, it was because she spoke about it nostalgically as if it was a good memory.

Interesting . . .

"And you weren't scared?" You asked her. She looked over to you and chuckled a little.

"Of course not, I mean why would my own husband kill me?" You raised an eyebrow at her a bit taken aback by the new revelation. Deep down though you weren't shocked in the slightest.

"Wait your husband was the murderer?" You asked knowingly.

She nodded and said, "Yes, though Alastor is now my ex-husband."

You were lucky enough to not be drinking anything. If you had you were absolutely sure you would have started choking on the beverage.

"You don't mean the radio demon Alastor do you?" You asked in utter disbelief. After all, there was no way someone as pleasant as she could ever be with someone as despicable as Alastor.

She grinned at you and asked, "Yes, are you, two friends?"

"I guess you could say we're familiar with each other" You answered grimly before hearing a couple of loud bangs from the bathroom. The loud sounds were followed by a couple of angry cat hisses and slurred profanities. You turned towards the bathroom and watched as Husk stumbled out completely drunk. He walked, well tripped over to your table.

Husk then sat in his chair, put his head down on the table, and started purring. You looked down at him and then back to Mimzy sympathetically. "I hate to be the killjoy but I think Husk and I should get going." The two of you laughed together watching as Husk nuzzled the table affectionately.

"No need to apologize and remember to stop by soon. I wouldn't mind a visit from your sugar." She winked watching your cheeks become pink.

She laughed at how adorable your reaction was before you awkwardly said. "I'll keep that in mind."

You got up from the table putting Husk's arm around your shoulders and held the mysterious bottle in the other. You snapped your fingers to pay for the drinks and exited the bar.

What A Charm! (Alastor X Reader)UNDER EDITING Where stories live. Discover now